A Study on the Leisure Facilities of Incheon Wolmido during the Japanese Occupation 체육사학 : 일제하 인천월미도의 여가시설에 관한 연구
44(5) 3-10, 2005
A Study on the Leisure Facilities of Incheon Wolmido during the Japanese Occupation 체육사학 : 일제하 인천월미도의 여가시설에 관한 연구
This paper studies the leisure facilities focused on Yuwon Company, Jotang, Imhea School, and Public Playground located in Wolmido on behalf of examining Korea Modern Leisure Facilities. As a result, the following can be concluded.
First, Wolmido Yuwon Company took over the various facilities managed by the existing Mancheol in April, 1924 and rebuilt it for public as only amusement park in the Korean Peninsula.
Second, Wolmido Jotang was designed with various public facilities as the biggest scale in Chosun and many people up to 800 per day visited. Also, swimming lessons were held in the swimming pool.
Third, Wolmido Imhea School was established with various public facilities and others on purpose of training chirdren’s bodies &mind through the great nature during summer vacation. However, in fact the facilities were allowed to use only for Japanese students and Korean students were allowed to use conditionally.Forth, Wolmido Public Playground was the first multiplex stadium in Korea containing various modern sports facilities such as a ball park, tennis court, track and field, and other additional facilities that played a role for sports promotion and development in Incheon.Therefore, various facilities in Wolmido, Incheon had a problem that it was designed by Japanese and some facilities were allowed for Japanese only, however it played a role for a resort for the public also training place for body and mind of the student.
Key Words
Leisure facilities, incheon wolmido, japanese colonial days
The Relationship Between Taekgyeon to Subak 체육사학 : 택견과 수박(手搏)의 상관성
신수용SueYongShin , 정재성JaeSeongJeong
44(5) 11-20, 2005
The Relationship Between Taekgyeon to Subak 체육사학 : 택견과 수박(手搏)의 상관성
신수용SueYongShin , 정재성JaeSeongJeong
Subak(手搏, shoubó), usually referred to as the origin of Korea traditional martial arts, is a non-weaponry martial arts. I intend to argue that the relationship between Subak and Taekgyeon is such that the two words usually imply the same martial arts.
First, numerous historical archives would offer evidence that the two words, Subak and Taekgyeon, were almost identical during the late Chosun Dynasty. The Chinese character, Subak, means non-weaponry martial arts. Taekgyeon also means non-weaponry martial arts.
In other written materials, such as Jaemulbo(才物譜), Chosunmousayoungwongjeon(朝鮮武士英雄傳), Haedongjoukji(海東竹枝) and Chosunsangsik(朝鮮常識), Subak was the Chinese character used which in fact meant Taekgyeon.
Second, after the Imjin War, Taekgyeon originated from the word Tagwon(打拳) which meant non-weaponry martial arts. The word, Tagwon, has changed to Taekgyeon since then.
Therefore there is a strong relationship between Subak and Taekgyeon, The two words are the names for the same Korean traditional martial arts, which is still used today as Taekgyeon.
Key Words
traditional martial arts, taekgyeon, Subak
Cultural Transformation and Modem Sport in the Late Nineteenth Century Korea 체육사학 : 19세기말 한국사회의 문화적 변용과 근대스포츠
44(5) 21-31, 2005
Cultural Transformation and Modem Sport in the Late Nineteenth Century Korea 체육사학 : 19세기말 한국사회의 문화적 변용과 근대스포츠
한국은 지난 20여 년 동안 글로벌 스포츠문화의 중심에 위치해 왔다. 한국 스포츠의 글로벌리즘(Globalism)적 양상은 북한을 비롯한 여러 문화사회와의 외교관계를 개선하는데 공헌해 왔으며, 인류가 공유하는 현대 스포츠문화의 지속적인 발달에 보조적 역할을 수행하고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 볼 때, 한국 스포츠의 역할과 기원에 관한 연구는 어느 때보다 절실히 요구되고 있다. 스포츠의 사회사적 가치에 대한 연구는 고무되고 있고 다양한 접근이 시도되고 있으나 종래의 연구는 스포츠의 문화적 중요성에 대한 접근을 소홀히 해 왔다. 본 연구는 약 백 년 전에 도입된 근대스포츠의 문화적 수용과정에 대해 고찰해보고, 근대 스포츠가 19세기말 한국사회에서 갖는 중요성과 영향에 대해 사회사적이며 문화·인류학적인 접근법을 통해 연구하는 것이다. 한국 근대사회에 도입된 스포츠문화는 서양의 기독교 선교그룹들의 활동과 밀접한 관계가 있으며 이러한 서양의 문화적 발명인 스포츠가 한국사회에 주입되어 근대화를 가속화하는 촉진제 역할을 수행했다고 볼 수 있다. 특히 근대스포츠는 19세기말 한국사회의 문화를 역동적으로 변화하게 한 하나의 자산이자 사회적 메커니즘(mechanism)이었다.
본 고에서 중점적으로 토의된 주제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국 근대스포츠는 내외부적 문화 확산의 중심에 위치했다는 주장이다. 서양 선교사들의 복음주의와 교육적 의지를 통해 서양에서 도입된 근대스포츠문화는 문화적 요소들을 변화시키며 빠른 속도로 확산되어 갔다. 이러한 양상은 결과적으로 스포츠의 대중화를 가져왔고 사회 발전을 위한 조력자 역할을 수행했다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 스포츠문화는 서양의 제국주의적 문화의 확산과정을 통해 한국사회에 이식되었고 이것은 내부적 융합과 충돌 등의 과정을 거치며 근대사회를 변화시키는 하나의 사회적 메커니즘으로 작용했다는 것이다. 스포츠는 한국 근대사회의 문화적 변화과정에서 파생된 하나의 산물이자 한반도를 유지하고 변화시킨 도구였다고 보는 것이다. 마지막으로, 한국 스포츠문화의 기원은 결국 종교, 정치, 스포츠 사이의 상징적 관계의 결과물이며 서양의 제국주의적 문화에 대한 패러독스(paradox)적인 수용이었고 일본을 비롯한 제국주의의 열강에 대항할 수 있는 문화적 도구로 활용될 수 있는 가능성을 보였다는 것이 19세기 말에 수용된 근대스포츠문화의 양상이었다고 결론지을 수 있다.
Key Words
cultural transformation, adoption of modem sport, evangelism, nationalism, social mechanism, imperialism
The Ideological Origins of Modern Sporting Culture in China, 1840-1911 체육사학 : 중국 근대 스포츠문화의 사상적 기원, 1840-1911
옥광GwangOk , 하웅용WoongYongHa
44(5) 33-42, 2005
The Ideological Origins of Modern Sporting Culture in China, 1840-1911 체육사학 : 중국 근대 스포츠문화의 사상적 기원, 1840-1911
옥광GwangOk , 하웅용WoongYongHa
The purpose of this study was to analyze the process of the cultural diffusion of sport in modern China. This study also attempted to view the character of Chinese modern sport and its ideological development during the modern times. Modern sporting culture in China was not an traditional value but it was a Western import. It advanced in a hot-house of modernization. Sport was a cultural phenomena which embraced Western values and came with expansionism, which conflicted with Chinese indigenous social values and nationalism. This eventually led an internal confrontation between radicals and conservatives between 1840s and the 1910s. As the result of this circumstance, a critical debate, Yangto occurred during the era. This debate was on whether China should reject or accept Western culture. Various social groups involved in this discussion and modern sport was finally introduced in China as a part of modern cultural transformation. Chinese modernized the society to provide reforms of moral, intellectual and physical ideologies and introduced a new educational system. The One Hundred-Day Reform (Bairi Weixin) was launched with the aim of bringing the Western political ideal and system to China. Western ideals and methods of education was now introduced into educational institutions. There were physical exercises, gymnastics and modern sport. The Qing government supported sport and physical education making an compulsory in its educational system. Gymnastics was a major subject to be taught as the formal curriculum in schools. Other kinds of sports were introduced by many amateur sports clubs. The YMCA was the central figure to bring Western games into the Chinese modern society. To search for the motivation of the cultural diffusion and ideological development of Chinese modern sport, it was necessary to analyze its history between the 1840s and the 1910s. It was an essential approach to understand the traditional ideology, Confucianism and its relation with physicality. Lastly, to meet the purpose of this study, it was needed to investigate the Chinese modernization and its fundamental ideologies in regard to modern sport.
Key Words
cultural diffusion of sport, nationalism, Yangto debate, confucianism and sport, modernization and sport
A Social Historical Study on the Policy Orientation of Elite Sport in Korea during the 1960’s-1970’s 체육사학 : 1960-70년대 엘리트스포츠정책의 가치 지향에 관한 사회사적 고찰
44(5) 43-54, 2005
A Social Historical Study on the Policy Orientation of Elite Sport in Korea during the 1960’s-1970’s 체육사학 : 1960-70년대 엘리트스포츠정책의 가치 지향에 관한 사회사적 고찰
The purpose of this paper was to point out the value orientation of elite sport executed by government in the 1960’s~1970’s, and to make known the problems and the limitation of the elite sport policy in respect of balanced development of Korean sport. Through that task, this study will be helpful to convert Korean sport structure to better system. This study was carried out owing to the general research methods of social history
The results of this study were as follow :
(1) The ultimate objective of the elite sport policy in the 1960’s~1970’s was to enhance national integration and raise the national fame.
(2) In respect of the original value of sport, that orientation of elite sport policy was not to practice the internal value of sport and elite sport, but to accomplish the external value of sport and elite sport.
(3) To conclude, the value orientation of elite sport executed by government in the 1960’s~1970’s led Korean sport to undesirable system, and was helpful to conducting value orientation of Korean sport policy to stabilizing political power after that time.
Key Words
policy value, elite sport value orientation
A Study of the Sport Policies during the Kim Dae Jung Government 체육사학 : 김대중정부의 체육정책
44(5) 55-65, 2005
A Study of the Sport Policies during the Kim Dae Jung Government 체육사학 : 김대중정부의 체육정책
The purpose of this study is to analyze sport policies during the Kim Dae Jung Government period(1998~2003). The purpose of the sports policies of Kim Government was to establish unification of national power, enhancement of national prestige, continued build up of national strength and the pursuit of the peoples’ homogeneity through an exchange of sports.
During the Kim Government, there were some positive results and negative results of the sports policies of Kim Government. There were three positive results of the Kim government’s sport policies. First, during the 2002 Korea Japan World Cup, people of Korea felt dynamics and potentiality of Korea. Second, people of Korea could have felt some possibility of reunification of Korea through the international sports events. It was the main issue of the Pusan Asian Games that North Korea participated the Games. The World was surprised at the opening ceremony of 2000 Sydney Olympic Games by Join entering of South and North Korea teams. Third, although the IMF economic crisis, the Kim government went forward well at the sport policies of sports for all.
However, there also had some negative results. First, because of reform the machinery of government, the Kim government could have not carried out efficiency of governmental sport affairs. Second, there were lack of policy and financial support of physical education. Third, the Kim government mainly focused on the international mega sport events, so that there were lack of middle and long terms plans and governmental supports of sport policies and finance.
Key Words
Kim Dae Jung, sport policy, governmental history
Analysis of Taekwondo department curriculum for Taekwondology 체육철학 : 태권도학과 교육과정을 통한 태권도의 학문적 방향모색
44(5) 69-78, 2005
Analysis of Taekwondo department curriculum for Taekwondology 체육철학 : 태권도학과 교육과정을 통한 태권도의 학문적 방향모색
This study is carried out by the necessity to analyze the curriculum of the Taekwondo department, of which the following results were obtained from the analysis on the education course of the Taekwondo department of universities.
Through analysis of Curriculum of Taekwondo Department, First, Quickening period of Taekwondo Department (1983-1995). In the first stage of the quickening period, the Taekwondo departments had included the subjects of physical education, which formed the foundation of the present curriculum of the Taekwondo department. Introduction to Taekwondo, basic motions of Taekwondo, theory of Taekwondo Poomsae(postures), theory of Taekwondo Gyeorugi(match), theory of Taekwondo exhibition, theory of Taekwondo coaching, Taekwondo exercises and Taekwondo practices, which all appeared in those days, have been performed so far as basic courses for most of Taekwondo departments.
Second, take-off Period of Taekwondo Department (1996-2000) is in the take-off period, the Taekwondo departments tried various approaches for scientific study of Taekwondo, where it opened more scientific approaches, theoretical approach of Taekwondo matches, subjects of site practices, subjects related to English and subjects related to run a Taekwondo hall.
Third, development Period of Taekwondo Department (2001-2004) is in the development period, the Taekwondo departments underscored the diplomatic roles according to the globalization of Taekwondo, and opened the subjects to cultivate the computer proficiency required on the spot of Taekwondo and the detailed subjects required for running a Taekwondo hall.
Establishment of Scholarly System of Taekwondo is establishment of Standard Curriculum of Taekwondo Department, security of Proper Numbers of Professors and of Chances of Employment, increase of Chances of Study and publication and establishment of Identity of Taekwondo Science
Key Words
Taekwondo, taekwondology, curriculum of taekwondo department
Contextualism Perspectives on Physical Education 체육철학 : 체육의 맥락주의적 접근
44(5) 79-87, 2005
Contextualism Perspectives on Physical Education 체육철학 : 체육의 맥락주의적 접근
The propagation of culture does not end as the one of specific cultural elements alone, but appears in the cultural process of society and correlates with cultural elements already existing, causing new knowledge. In this point, the context becomes an important stimulus of cultural change. If the existence in the real world is a social phenomenon, all phenomena exists with the context not born by chance. All this existences are affected by social phenomenon and social environment. Saying in other words, therefore, the nature following the context of environment may be called the contextuality.
It is likely to be an important task to bind this contextuality to physical education. The insistence of dualistic approach and piecemeal thought has caused the crisis of the current physical education. The reasons may be summarized as follows: first, the problems between subfields are recognized separately even in physical education. Second, it is not obvious to differentiate physically the nature of physical education from its situation. Third, the importance of correlation in physical education is not recognized.
It is an important task to explain how physical education influences on or is influenced by our value, life style, culture and social structure and what the problem of physical education is. Accordingly, the approach of ‘physicalsport in the view of contextualism’ is required, along with the methods such as the restoration of identity as physical education, direction presentation and communication suggested so far. And the methodology shall be discussed in the future.
Key Words
contextualism, physical education
Could Baduk be a Sport or Physical Education? 체육철학 : 바둑이 체육 혹은 스포츠가 될 수 있는가?
The purpose of the present study is to find out whether Baduk could be included in physical education or a sport or not. To compare Baduk with a sport or physical education in a diachronic aspect, it is approached on three views, that is, normative, realistic and future oriented concepts. The following findings are obtained. First of all, a sport or physical education are involved in physical activities. In contrast, Baduk requires intellectual activities. According to this concept, it is examined closely that these couldn’t be included in same category. Second, the argument that Baduk could be a sport or physical education is based on needs for political and selfish actions. A sport or physical education and Baduk might be lose their own identity without considering academic judgment or verification of philosophical theory throughly. Lastly, mind sports (i.e. Baduk) and e-sports in cyber space should have independent fields as themselves. It’s necessary to have their own categories between a sport or physical education and others.
Key Words
Baduk, physical education, sports, mind-sports
A Study on the tacit knowledge Japanese Martial Arts(武道) - Centered on the tacit knowledge of the founders of the Japanese martial arts(武道) - 체육철학 : 일본무도에 보이는 신체지(身體知)에 관해 - 술(術)에서 도(道)로 승화된 일본무도의 창시자(創始者)들의 신체지론을 중심으로 -
송일훈IlHunSong , 이황규HwangKyuLee
44(5) 99-111, 2005
A Study on the tacit knowledge Japanese Martial Arts(武道) - Centered on the tacit knowledge of the founders of the Japanese martial arts(武道) - 체육철학 : 일본무도에 보이는 신체지(身體知)에 관해 - 술(術)에서 도(道)로 승화된 일본무도의 창시자(創始者)들의 신체지론을 중심으로 -
송일훈IlHunSong , 이황규HwangKyuLee
The purpose of this study is to research and analyze the Body(身體) Theories of the originators of the martial arts(武道) - Aikido(合氣道), kendo(劍道), Judo(柔道), Karate(空手道), sublimated from The Skills to The Truth and to examine the real meaning of The Truth and to introduce ‘’The Mind Guide’’ to the men of martial arts(武道).
The findings of Martial Truth sublimated from Martial Skills are as follows.
Firstly, Japanese martial arts(武道) have the characters of Confucianism and Buddhism. Secondly, Japanese martial arts(武道)’ originators completed the Body(身體) Theories of the martial art ideas by the influence of the Confucianism, Buddhism, Caligraphy, and Western utilitarianism after going through the Meiji Restoration. Thirdly, after the founders of the representative martial arts(武道) of Japan, Aikido(合氣道), kendo(劍道), Judo(柔道), Karate(空手道), understood the Body(身體) Theories of the Martial Arts(武道), they sublimated the Martial Skills to the Martial Truth. Fourthly, the above founders of the martial arts(武道) formulated the system of the practical studies and the studies of spiritual ideas and completed the Body(身體) Theories. Fifthly, the above originators have trained a lot of disciples all over the world through the understanding of the Body(身體) Theories and spread their teachings. Sixthly, the Japanese martial arts(武道) are developed and completed to the Body(身體) Theories through practical studies and spiritual studies and the spirit of the martial arts(武道) still living in the spirit of the Japanese.
Key Words
body theories
The Inquiry of Ideology and Nationalism connoted in Sports 체육철학 : 스포츠에 내포된 이데올로기와 민족주의에 대한 탐구
44(5) 113-121, 2005
The Inquiry of Ideology and Nationalism connoted in Sports 체육철학 : 스포츠에 내포된 이데올로기와 민족주의에 대한 탐구
In contemporary society, nationalism is a central part of sport, and the excitement that the ‘them’ against ’us’ competition affords is a vital ingredient in the success of many sporting competitions. Sport allows nations to compete against each other, and to measure performance. It means that ’our’ nation can beat ‘them’, which demonstrates that we are better, stronger and superior. Such nationalism is seen as an ideology that is linked with the policies and politics of governments and regimes. Throughout the twentieth century, links between the forces of sport and nationalism continued to develop. Sport has been used, in nationalism, to symbolize national characteristics and stereotypes which evoke love and pride. Since sport is so popular, and a part of so many people’s lives, government pursues a political agenda by mobilizing sport as a method of evoking feelings of nationalism.
However, when considering the links between sport and nationalism we should remember that, while highly visible and with a long history, the links are a lot and varied.
Sporting nationalism should be a snapshot of who and what we are in any given country, and allows us to love our homeland. In other words, sports nationalism should be understood as temporary and transitory meaning only while the game is held rather than being a permanent force lasting in the hearts of players and supporters.
Key Words
contemporary society, nationalism, competition, ideology, political agenda
Discussion of fair play in competition sports 체육철학 : 경쟁 스포츠에서 페어플레이 담론
44(5) 123-129, 2005
Discussion of fair play in competition sports 체육철학 : 경쟁 스포츠에서 페어플레이 담론
I will discuss the sports components which include plays, competitions, rules, games, agreements, then find out how they are related to the spirit of fair play.
First, I chose the concept of plays as a component of sports, because sports are a process of making series of choices by free will while players are seeking for joy. Secondly, I chose competition because during sports games competitions are accepted positively. Then contracts, agreement and rules were selected. Because sports are a set of artificial activities, there should be rules to guide these activities. Participants to the activities should agree to the rules to join the activities. Thirdly, I chose the concept of games because games represent sports situations where various rules are being respected by gamers who play against each others.
The above components are emphasized in competitive sports. The spirit of fair play is also emphasized in competitive sports then self playing sports. So in this paper, I excluded sports without competitions.
The above components, plays, competitions, rules, games, agreements are frequently observed in competitive sports in which players have conflicting interests. The relationship among the components and between the components and the spirit of fair play will be discussed in this paper.
Lastly, What is fair play? Fair play has always been an applied concept. Many treatments of fair play were, and still are, motivated more by the desire to use sport to teach some set of positive values, than by the goal of understanding the nature of concept of those values -indeed whether the values are good or ill- depend upon the way in which sport is played, taught, and practiced. Fair play is often the phrase used to capture the view that sport should be used to teach positive social values, with the chosen values forming the content of the concept. On this view, fair play forms a subset of general moral or social values applied to, and taught through, sport and physical activity.
Key Words
sports ethics, fair play
A Study on Physical self - perception and Leisure Satisfaction Scale in Leisure Sport Activity Participation of the University Students in Shandong of China 스포츠사회학 : 중국 산동성 대학생의 여가스포츠활동 차명에 따른 신체적 자기개념과 여가만족에 관한 연구
강려LiJiang , 윤이중YeeJoongYoon
44(5) 133-145, 2005
A Study on Physical self - perception and Leisure Satisfaction Scale in Leisure Sport Activity Participation of the University Students in Shandong of China 스포츠사회학 : 중국 산동성 대학생의 여가스포츠활동 차명에 따른 신체적 자기개념과 여가만족에 관한 연구
강려LiJiang , 윤이중YeeJoongYoon
This study was to investigate the physical self-concept and leisure satisfaction by participation in leisure sport activities of university students in Shandong of China. It was also processed to find out how different about the students’ participation in leisure sport activities, physical self-concept and leisure satisfaction according to demographic characteristics. The data was collected from 394 students including 198 man and 196 woman. Data analysis was conducted through such statistical techniques as factor analysis, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Person’s R, multiple regression analysis using SPSS WIN12.0. As a result, the following findings were obtained.
First, it was found that demographic characteristics had an effect on leisure sports participation. The degree of participation in leisure sports was founded to be higher in the male group than in the female group.
Second, it was found that leisure sports participation had an effect on physical self-concept. The much the leisure sports participation the physical self-concept is higher. Indoor sports participation group showed lower physical self-concept than the other group.
Third, it was found that leisure sports participation had an effect on leisure satisfaction. The much the leisure sports participation the leisure satisfaction is higher. Indoor sports participation group showed higher leisure satisfaction than the other group.
Finally, the group of higher physical self-concept showed higher leisure satisfaction than the group of lower physical self-concept.
Key Words
university students, Leisure sport activity participation, physical self - perception, Leisure satisfaction
A Study on the Educational Eu-Function of School Athletic Teams 스포츠사회학 : 학교운동부의 교육적 순기능에 대한 연구
44(5) 147-159, 2005
A Study on the Educational Eu-Function of School Athletic Teams 스포츠사회학 : 학교운동부의 교육적 순기능에 대한 연구
It seems that there are many problems in school athletic clubs referring to recent events. Many scholars indicated that school athletic clubs did not have educational relevance in Korea. The purpose of the present study was to find out the educational eu-function of school athletic clubs against those critics.
327 school athletes, 711 students, and 27 coaches were selected from 27 schools as subjects using stratified cluster sampling method from December to November, 2004.
Educational function of school athletic clubs was measured by the items which were categorized into 3 domains, that is, psycho-motor, cognitive, and affective domain based on previous studies.
On the basic of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. School athletic clubs promote student-athlete’s development in psycho-motor, cognitive, and affective domains except academic achievement.
2. School athletic clubs mainly contribute school PR and pride of community in relation to school.
3. School athletic clubs mainly contribute cultivating nation’s delegates and stirring up people’s interest in sports in relation to society and nation.
Key Words
educational eu-function, school athleticc clubs
A Sociocultural Meaning of Mixed Martial Arts that Appeared in Main Daily Newspapers 스포츠사회학 : 주요 일간 신문에 나타난 이종격투기의 사회문화적 의미
권기남KiNamKwon , 임수원SooWoenLim , 이정래JungLaeLee
44(5) 161-169, 2005
A Sociocultural Meaning of Mixed Martial Arts that Appeared in Main Daily Newspapers 스포츠사회학 : 주요 일간 신문에 나타난 이종격투기의 사회문화적 의미
권기남KiNamKwon , 임수원SooWoenLim , 이정래JungLaeLee
This research is looked around the tendency of news of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) reported in main daily newspapers such as Chosun-Ilbo, Dongah-Ilbo, Joongang-Ilbo, and Hankook-Ilbo. It is analysed what meaning of socio-culture does it have with a critical view point. The follwing is the results of the present study.
Many articles of MMA were focused on the men related with all home and abroad sports in the 4 major newspapers. Hankook-Ilbo among them was notified the most news. This result can be understood that the concern ot Hankook-Ilbo about the MMA higher than that of newspapers. The news of MMA informed by the major newspapers are emphasized power, attackness, and violence to make a sport. It is reappeared the ideology of masculinity due to the physical superiority and power. Moreover, It is brought the achievement-oriented ideology of the moderners into relief to beautify the feeling of severe and smarting thrill rather than the cruel scene and violence.
Key Words
mixed martial arts, socio-culture, ideology
The Relationship between Exercise’s Support of Service Provider and Social Capital and Consuming Behavior at Commercial Sport Facilities 스포츠사회학 : 상업스포츠시설 서비스제공자의 운동지원과 사회적 자본 및 소비행위의 관계
44(5) 171-181, 2005
The Relationship between Exercise’s Support of Service Provider and Social Capital and Consuming Behavior at Commercial Sport Facilities 스포츠사회학 : 상업스포츠시설 서비스제공자의 운동지원과 사회적 자본 및 소비행위의 관계
This study was to analysis structural equation modeling of consuming behavior in commercial sport facilities. This study was to test an influence of exercise’s support on reliability as social capital and consuming behavior in commercial sport facilities. To attain the goal of the study described above paragraphs, the members of commercial sports center located in Seoul, 2005 year were set as a collected group. Then, using the cluster random sampling method, finally drew out and analyzed 224 people in total. The material collection device was the brochure named < the survey on the factors of exercise’s support, reliability as social capital, and consuming behavior >. The result of reliability check up was here below; Chronbach’s α=.677~.891. To analyze materials, factor analysis, correlation analysis, SEM were used as statistic analysis techniques. The conclusion based on above study method and the result of material analysis are here below. First, exercise’s support influences on the reliability as social capital. The more exercise’s support, the more reliability as social capital. Second, exercise’s support don’t influences on the intention of consuming behavior. Third, the reliability as social capital influences on the intention of consuming behavior. The better reliability as social capital, the better the intention of consuming behavior. The reliability as social capital is an important variable connecting the relationship exercise’s support and consuming behavior.
Key Words
service provider, exercise’s support, reliability as social capital, consuming behavior
A study on Satisfaction of Athlete and Group Cohesion of the Gymnasts 스포츠사회학 : 체조선수들의 선수만족과 집단응집력에 관한 연구
김명철MyoungChulKim , 노영태YoungTaeRoh
44(5) 183-194, 2005
A study on Satisfaction of Athlete and Group Cohesion of the Gymnasts 스포츠사회학 : 체조선수들의 선수만족과 집단응집력에 관한 연구
김명철MyoungChulKim , 노영태YoungTaeRoh
How do gymnasts to recognize satisfaction of athlete and group cohesion level? The purpose of this study was to investigate prove the relation of satisfaction of athlete and group cohesion The subjects of this study were middle school gymnasts, high school gymnasts, and college gymnasts in Korea Gymnastic Association. 400 data were gathered and 391 data of them were analyzed excluding 9 false data. Satisfaction of Athlete was classified in to task achievement satisfaction social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction. Group cohesion was classified in to group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion The frequancy analysis and MANOVA were performed, using SPSS WIN 11.0 Ver program as statistical method. The result of these researches was as fallow, first, The showed was in task achievement satisfaction, social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction, that is in all part of satisfaction of athletes, male gymnasts were higher than female gymnasts, second, Gymnasts who had experienced winnig more than 7 time prizes was higher in task achievement satisfaction, social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction third, The showed was in group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion, that is in all part of group cohesion, male gymnasts was higher than female gymnasts, forth, Gymnasts who had experienced winning more than 7 time prizes was higher in group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion of group cohesion.
Key Words
satisfaction of athletes, group cohesion
The Seructural Analysis on the Life Satisfaction with Dance Sports Participation’s Motivation 스포츠사회학 : 댄스스포츠 참가동기와 생활만족의 관계에 대한 구조분석
김범식BeomSigKim , 홍계희GyeHeeHong , 이루지RuJiLee
44(5) 195-204, 2005
The Seructural Analysis on the Life Satisfaction with Dance Sports Participation’s Motivation 스포츠사회학 : 댄스스포츠 참가동기와 생활만족의 관계에 대한 구조분석
김범식BeomSigKim , 홍계희GyeHeeHong , 이루지RuJiLee
This study was to analyze the life satisfaction by dance sports participation’s motivation. Specifically, this study was to test relationship among participation motivation, active satisfaction and life satisfaction.
The subjects(N=274) were selected in private and public sports center located at Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Kwangju, Daejeon province by stratified cluster random sampling.
This study organized a self-administration reporting questionnaire which was named < The survey on the life satisfaction by dance sports participation’s motivation >. The result of reliability about questionnaire was Chronbach’ α=.826~.895. The reliability analysis and SEM were used as statistic analysis techniques.
On the basis of the results, the conclusion were as follows;
First, There was a significant influence between inner participating motivation and active satisfaction.
Second, There was a significant influence between active satisfaction and life satisfaction.
Third, the model which was generally coincided on X² = 282.628 (P=.000), RMSEA =.070, TLI =.911, NFI =. 898, CFI =.937, explained adequate relationship among dance sports participation’s motivation, active satisfaction and life satisfaction.
Key Words
SEM, structural equation model, dance sports participation’s motivation, active satisfaction, Life satisfaction
The Relationship among Sports Participation, Internet Addiction, and Friendship of Elementary Students 스포츠사회학 : 아동의 운동참가와 인터넷 중독 및 친구관계
44(5) 205-216, 2005
The Relationship among Sports Participation, Internet Addiction, and Friendship of Elementary Students 스포츠사회학 : 아동의 운동참가와 인터넷 중독 및 친구관계
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship among 5th and 6th grader's sports participation, internet addiction, and friendship. Using a stratified cluster random sampling method, 588 male and female children selected from randomly selected 10 elementary schools located in Daejeon. Collected data were analyzed to test the hypotheses with statistical methods such as one-way ANOVA, .correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as followings;
First, male children had significantly more sports participation rather than that of females. There were significant differences of types of sports participation between male children and female. And 6th graders had significantly higher level of internet addiction rather than that of 5th ones. There were no significant differences of internet addiction among academic achievements .
Female children had significantly higher level of friendship such as trust, help, acceptation rather than that of males, and children who received high academic achievement had significantly higher level of friendship rather than ones who received low achievement. There were no significant differences of friendship between 5th graders and 6th ones.
Second, sports non participating children had much higher level of internet addiction than participation children. There were no significant differences of internet addiction among types of sports participation. Sports participating children had much higher level of friendship than participation children. There were no significant differences of level of friendship among types of sports participation.
Third, the more frequency of sports participation, the higher friendship. The higher internet addiction, the more friendship and the higher conflict between friends.
Key Words
sports participation, internet addiction, friendship
The Making of Sporting Space of Club Inline-Skaters in Public Park 스포츠사회학 : 도시공원 동호회 인라인스케이터의 활동 공간 만들기
44(5) 217-228, 2005
The Making of Sporting Space of Club Inline-Skaters in Public Park 스포츠사회학 : 도시공원 동호회 인라인스케이터의 활동 공간 만들기
This study attempts to highlight the club inline-skaters’ daily practice of urban public park by analyzing the case of Yeouido Park, a park located in the heart of Seoul. As the people who use the public park for their sport activity is enormously increased, members of inline-skate club have become the main group appropriating public space and determining the meaning of space. So this study focused on the way that club inline-skaters appropriate public park and how the image of sporting space produced.
In order to achieve this purpose, fieldworks such as observation, interview performed.
As outcomes of this study point out, every phenomenal world is the achievement of active individuals and social group which is quite different with the governmental or capitalistic power.
Public park is continuously reconstructed by a space of agent and daily practices. Club inline skaters are main user group who continuously reconstruct the meaning of public park and its image as sporting space.
Key Words
inline-skater, appropriation, public space, practice, agent, meaning
The present study purposed to examine differences in physical selfconcept in those who are trained for taekwondo according to school level(higher graders in elementary school, middle school, high school and college students), skill level(1st lower, 1st~2nd pum, 3rd pum or higher) and motive for participating in taekwondo (encouraged by parents, follow friends, like taekwondo, the others). For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 555 taekwondo trainees. Korean version PSDQ (Physical SelfDescription Questionnaire) was used in the survey and MANOVA was used in analysis. The results of this study are as follows.
First, no significant difference was observed in physical selfconcept according to school level and motive for participating in taekwondo.
Second, a statistically significant difference was observed in physical selfconcept according to skill level (F=1.538, p<.01). In particular, significant differences were observed in physical activity and selfesteem. This suggests that trainees with high skill have higher selfesteem and physical activities.
Key Words
physical self-concept, school Level, skill Level, motive
The effect of winning and Losing on mood state and brainwave activity in recreational competitive sports 스포츠심리학 : 레크리에이션 스포츠에서 승패가 기분상태와 뇌파변화에 미치는 영향
44(5) 241-253, 2005
The effect of winning and Losing on mood state and brainwave activity in recreational competitive sports 스포츠심리학 : 레크리에이션 스포츠에서 승패가 기분상태와 뇌파변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate how a competitive sport (Badminton) at the recreational level influences mood state and brainwave activity. Subjects consisted of 16 male university students ranging in age from 20 to 27, with a mean age of 25 years. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of eight teams and each team consisted of two subjects. The data were analyzed by using two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures of group (win and loss) time (before and after game). Dependent variables were tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion, and R-L asymmetry alpha values. The research findings revealed that depression, anger, and fatigue were significantly decreased in winning groups post-match compared to pre-match levels, while losing groups demonstrated a high increase of these factors post-match. With regard to vigor, winning groups showed a higher increase of vigor post-match than pre-match, while losing groups demonstrated a reduction of vigor post-match. However, there was not a significant difference between winning and losing groups post-match in terms of tension and confusion. It is known that frontal EEG alpha asymmetry, with the left hemisphere being more active,is indicative of positive emotion. Conversely, the right hemisphere being more active is indicative of negative emotion. Here winning groups showed heightened left frontal activation post-match, whereas losing groups showed heightened right frontal activation post-match. Therefore, this study established that winning and losing, which are the results of competitive Badminton, influences changesin emotion with winning causing positive emotion changes and losing resulting in negative emotion changes. This is demonstrated by the heightened brain activation in the left frontal region of the brain in winning groups post-match. Furthermore, this result suggests the importance of exercise and shows that the competitive nature of Badminton may produce undesirable mood reductions.
Key Words
recreational competitive sport, wining and Losing emotion, EEG alpha asymmetry
Effects of Soccer Class as a Speciality Aptitude Education on Mental Health in Male Middle School Students 스포츠심리학 : 특기적성교육 축구활동이 중학생의 정신건강에 미치는 효과
김용해YongHaeKim , 조춘호ChunHoCho , 박진성JinSungPark
44(5) 255-267, 2005
Effects of Soccer Class as a Speciality Aptitude Education on Mental Health in Male Middle School Students 스포츠심리학 : 특기적성교육 축구활동이 중학생의 정신건강에 미치는 효과
김용해YongHaeKim , 조춘호ChunHoCho , 박진성JinSungPark
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of Speciality Aptitude Education on mental health of the middle school boys. A total of 42 male middle school students volunteered as subjects. They were randomly assigned to either soccer group(20 males) or control group(22 males). Each group performed its own program during 12 weeks, three-times a week and 60 minutes a day. Also, In the control group, they performed their own tasks freely in the classroom during the experimental process. The conclusions were as follows;
First, the somatic levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Second, the obsessive-compulsive levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Third, the interpersonal sensitivity levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Fourth, the depression levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Fifth, the anxiety levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Sixth, the hostility levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Seventh, the phobic anxiety levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Eighth, the paranoid levels were decreased by the soccer activity program. Finally, the psychotic levels were decreased by the soccer activity program.
Key Words
speciality aptitude education, mental health
Retention and Transfer Effect of Golf Puffing Skill on Fade and Revers Fade Presentation of Summary KR 스포츠심리학 : 요약 KR의 점감 및 점가 제시에 따른 골프퍼팅 기술의 파지 및 전이효과
이한우HanWooLee , 박승하SeungHaPark
44(5) 269-278, 2005
Retention and Transfer Effect of Golf Puffing Skill on Fade and Revers Fade Presentation of Summary KR 스포츠심리학 : 요약 KR의 점감 및 점가 제시에 따른 골프퍼팅 기술의 파지 및 전이효과
이한우HanWooLee , 박승하SeungHaPark
The purpose of this study was to examine learning effects of faded summary KR using 5m golf putting task(transfer test, 4m). Participants in this experiment were 40 high-school male students. There were four groups consisted of ten boys in each group. The four groups were faded summary KR(10-5-2 summary KR), reverse faded summary KR(2-5-10 summary KR), summary 1 KR, and summary 5 KR condition. Participants performed total 90 trials(15trials×6blocks) in acquisition phase. After 24 hours, they performed retention test and transfer test. Dependent variable was E. Acquisition, data was analyzed in a 4(summary condition)×6(block) ANOVA with repeated measures on th last block. Also, Retention, and transfer test data was analyzed in a 4(summary condition)×2(block) ANOVA with repeated measures on th last block. The results of this study could be as follows.
(a) In the analysis of acquisition phase, summary 1 group was more effective than summary 10-5-2 group. There was no significant difference between another groups. (b) Every groups gradually decreased their error score as progression of practice. (c) Summary 5 and 2-5-10 group was more effective than the other groups in retention test but there was no significant difference between two groups. (d) In the analysis of transfer test, Error score of summary 2-5-10 group was lower than summary 5, summary 10-5-2, summary 1 group and summary 5 group’s error score was lower than summary 1 and summary 10-5-2 group. In conclusion, this results indicated that faded summary KR schedule was more effective than the other schedule used in this experiment.
The Relationship between Track & Field Coach’s Leadership Behavior Type and Member Satisfaction 스포츠심리학 : 육상 코치의 리더십 행동유형과 선수만족과의 관계
최성회SungHoiChoi , 김승철SeongCheolKim
44(5) 279-288, 2005
The Relationship between Track & Field Coach’s Leadership Behavior Type and Member Satisfaction 스포츠심리학 : 육상 코치의 리더십 행동유형과 선수만족과의 관계
최성회SungHoiChoi , 김승철SeongCheolKim
The purpose of this study is to analyze how track & field member’s understanding of the subordinate factors of the track & field coach’s leadership behavior type would relationship the member satisfaction. For this study, the track & field members registered at the Korea Athletics Federation in 2005 have been chosen as a population to be sampled using the Stratified Random Sampling. A total of 348 members(male 234, female 114) answered the questionnaires and 320 complete answers (male 214, female 106) excluding some with problems have been taken for the final data analysis.
The results show as follows;
1) ‘Training and direction behavior’ and ‘affirmative compensation behavior’, the subordinate factors of the track & field coach’s leadership behavior types, relationship ‘task accomplishment satisfaction’, the subordinate factor of member satisfaction. 2) ‘Affirmative compensation behavior’, the subordinate factor of the track & field coach’s leadership behavior type relationship ‘social reciprocity satisfaction’, the subordinate factor of member satisfaction. 3) ‘Training and direction behavior’ , ‘democratic behavior’, and ‘social support behavior’, the subordinate factors of the track & field coach’s leadership behavior type relationship ‘coach behavior satisfaction’, the subordinate factor of member satisfaction.
4) Generally evaluation level of every subordinate factors with ‘female members’ was higher than that of ‘male members.’ 5) Among the subordinate factors of the track & field(sprint, jumping, throwing, and long distance) coach’s leadership behavior type, the evaluation levels of ‘absolute behavior’ had the biggest relationships(Sheffe’s post-hoc test result, ‘sprint with long endurance’ relationship). 6) Among the track & field coach’s leadership behavior type and the subordinate factors of member satisfaction according to ‘member’s career’, the evaluation level of ‘absolute behavior’ had the biggest relationship with members career ‘less than 3 years(Sheffe’s post-hoc test result, ‘less than 3year with less than 1year’, ‘less than 3year with less than 5year’, ‘less than 3year with less than 7year’ relationship).’
Multivariate analysis of high school dance classes after applying student-elective pedagogical approach 스포츠교육학 : 학생선택 중심 교육과정 적용 이후의 고등학교 무용수업 실태에 관한 통합 방법적 분석
44(5) 291-303, 2005
Multivariate analysis of high school dance classes after applying student-elective pedagogical approach 스포츠교육학 : 학생선택 중심 교육과정 적용 이후의 고등학교 무용수업 실태에 관한 통합 방법적 분석
The purpose of this study is to analyze high school dance classes after applying student-elective pedagogical approach since 2002. Participants of this study consist of 2 different groups. First group of participants are 303 college students from 8 universities who graduated their high school in 2005, started in 2002. Second group of participants are 8 high school dance teachers who is teaching at Seoul and suburban areas. This study includes both (a) quantitative approach for the first group of college students by applying frequency-, reliability-, factor-, variables-, and multivariate analysis and (b) qualitative approach for the second group of high-school dance teachers by applying interview. The results of this study shows as follows. First, a total of 73.6% of students have taken dance classes which were taken mostly during their first year (43.5%) of high school. In their second years, 40% of students have taken dance classes in their 1st semester. But later on their 2nd semester of 2nd year and 3rd years, the percentage of students who have taken dance classes dramatically decreased. Those students who have taken dance classes during their 1st year have taken various dance classes (49.4%) such as folk dance, Korean traditional dance, ballet, modern dance, and creative dance during their 1st year of high school are and similar percentages for both their 2nd and 3rd year. Scond, most students perceived dance classes’ goals appropriately. Based on their interests in dance classes, it depends on the quality of dance classes. Therefore, dance teachers should consider students’ interests and their qualified teaching to promote dance classes in high school. Third, there are no significant differences in the students’ perception of dance classes in emotional, physical, artistic/aesthetical, and social aspects based on the various factors such asdance teachers teaching experiences, and whether having a dance teacher or not.
Key Words
multivariate analysis, high school dance classes, student-elective pedagogical approach
Adolescents’ Needs on the Physical Education Classes at Alternative Schools in Seoul 스포츠교육학 : 서울시 도시형 대안학교의 체육수업 현황과 학생들의 교육
이미리MeeRyLee , 유병열ByungYulYu , 이창규ChangKyuYi
44(5) 305-317, 2005
Adolescents’ Needs on the Physical Education Classes at Alternative Schools in Seoul 스포츠교육학 : 서울시 도시형 대안학교의 체육수업 현황과 학생들의 교육
이미리MeeRyLee , 유병열ByungYulYu , 이창규ChangKyuYi
This study investigated recent situation of the physical education class offered at city-type alternative schools and the adolescents’ needs regarding this class. Ninety five adolescents responded to the questionnaires asking their needs on the contents and the ways of the physical education classes offered at their alternative schools. And, 19 teachers responded to the interviews and the questionnaires asking the recent situation of the physical education classes at their alternative schools. Data were analyzed using frequency analysis, repeated measurement analysis of variance, and Chi test. Findings are as follows. First, 66% of the alternative schools in Seoul offered the physical education class. These schools were teaching one sport item including inline skating, soccer, or basketball in the class, once a week for one and a half ~ two hours. The teachers working at the alternative schools which did not offer the physical education class reported that they needed space, teachers, and curriculums for the physical education class. The adolescents reported that physical education classes were helpful for feeling enjoyment and maintaining good health and relationships with friends. However, they also reported that poor curriculums, the bothersomeness in preparing for the class, and the absence of space and facilities were main problems that made them feel boring during the class. Findings on the adolescents’ need regarding the contents and the ways the physical education class is operated suggest that the city-type alternative school physical education classes can be activated by supports from athletic facilities and universities in communities.
Key Words
alternative schools, physical education, adolescents
An Analysis of Value Orientations of Secondary Physical Education Teachers 스포츠교육학 : VOI-2를 활용한 중등체육교사의 가치정향 분석
이재정JaeJungLee , 조남용NamYongCho
44(5) 319-329, 2005
An Analysis of Value Orientations of Secondary Physical Education Teachers 스포츠교육학 : VOI-2를 활용한 중등체육교사의 가치정향 분석
이재정JaeJungLee , 조남용NamYongCho
The purpose of this study was to describe the value orientations of secondary physical education teachers and the relationships of gender, teaching experiences, and the schools they went to. Value orientations were measured with the Value Orientation Inventory-2, which was translated into Korean for this study. Participants (N=247) were recruited via stratified cluster random sampling from the population of physical education teachers in Seoul. Each participant had five scores representing their value orientations: disciplinary mastery, learning process, self-actualization, social responsibility, and ecological integration. The data indicated that physical educators possessed multiple, diverse value orientations. Two hundreds eleven participants had one or two high priority value orientations. There were significant differences for gender, experience, and the schools they went to in the evaluation of value orientations in this study. The characteristics of the physical educators include: (a) the most favorite value orientations of the physical educators’ were disciplinary mastery; the second, learning process; the third, self-actualization; the fourth, social responsibility, and the last was ecological integration; (b) the physical educators’ first favorite value orientation pairs were disciplinary mastery and learning process, the second, social responsibility and ecological integration, learning process and social responsibility, and self-actualization and ecological integration. (c) physical educators in eleven through twenty years of experiences had a tendency to teach properly in balancing between five value orientations (d) the physical educators in 28-36 classes of his or her school or those who were teaching 31-35 students in a class had a tendency to teach properly in balancing between five value orientations. Both the Oriental culture and the curriculum goals of physical education contributed to the differences of evaluation of value orientations in the study. The former presented the relationship of mind and body in physical education. while the latter emphasized the social-affective domains Thus, the physical educators emphasized self-control, self-concept, and social responsibility to teach the combination of body and mind in their practices.
Key Words
value orientation, PE Teachers, value orientation inventory-2
Assessment in College Physical Education: Review of the Assessment based on Motivation and Goal-Orientation Theory 스포츠교육학 : 대학 교양체육에서의 평가: 동기와 학습목적유래 이론에 근거한 고찰
44(5) 331-342, 2005
Assessment in College Physical Education: Review of the Assessment based on Motivation and Goal-Orientation Theory 스포츠교육학 : 대학 교양체육에서의 평가: 동기와 학습목적유래 이론에 근거한 고찰
The purposes of this review were to find out relationships between intrinsic motivation and task-orientation, to understand how relative evaluation influences learners, and to explore the ways to apply these concepts in college physical education. One of the important purposes of teaching physical education is to help learners actively and consistently participate in school physical education and in physical activities after school ages. Therefore, school physical education should aim at not only learners’ psychomotor and cognitive changes but also affective changes, since learners’ affective changes are more likely to lead learners to active life than psychomotor and cognitive changes are. Intrinsic motivation has been well known as a critical mediator for students’ achievement in school. Likewise, it has been recognized that achievement goal orientation plays an important role in students’ learning. In addition, positive relationships between these two concepts have been indicated in a couple of studies. By the time that students’ affective changes, such as attitudinal and motivational changes, have been emphasized in school physical education, review of practical and feasible ways to apply these concepts in Korean college physical education leads college students to successful achievement like active participation in physical education class and consistent participation in physical activities after college ages.
A Case Study of Personalized System for Instruction for Teaching Dance 스포츠교육학 : 무용수업개선을 위한 개별화수업 사례연구
44(5) 343-350, 2005
A Case Study of Personalized System for Instruction for Teaching Dance 스포츠교육학 : 무용수업개선을 위한 개별화수업 사례연구
How can we teach dance better at schools? It was the basic question for this study. In Korea, however, few materials and books are available for teachers. Searching for the alternatives, It was found that the best way of solving this question may be that a teacher should use a instructional model in teaching a class. And then, which model did I have to choose for good physical education class? Finally I made up my mind to select the Personalized System for Instruction because it has a slogan ‘’Being Self-directed learner.’’ It was the one of the primary objectives that I conducted this action research. Thus, the purpose of this research was to develop materials for PSI-DE(Personalized System for Instruction-Dance Education). A high school dance teacher was engaged in this research who wants to improve his practice and was committed to continual interests of dance education. Contents, methods, and step-by-step designs for PSI-DE programs were suggested in his actual teachings for one semester. The results will effectively guide teachers who want to apply dance education in their instruction.
Key Words
dance education, personalized system for instruction, action research, self-directed Learning
A study on Kinesio Taping for achievement of maximum strength in the Lumbar 운동생리학 : 키네시오 테이핑 적용 후 시간경과에 따른 요부근력의 최대 발현 시점
김명기MyungKiKim , 이성기SungKiLee , 김창국ChangKookKim
44(5) 353-362, 2005
A study on Kinesio Taping for achievement of maximum strength in the Lumbar 운동생리학 : 키네시오 테이핑 적용 후 시간경과에 따른 요부근력의 최대 발현 시점
김명기MyungKiKim , 이성기SungKiLee , 김창국ChangKookKim
This study was designed to determine the appropriate application time of Kinesio taping for athletes to improve their maximum strength and to provide systematic information that can be widely applicable to the athletics, and consequently, to improve their performance in sports competitions. Ten healthy college students in the Department of Sport and Leisure Studies at ChoongNam were screened, and individuals with a history of previous injury or surgery in their nerve, muscle, and skeletal systems, such as paresthesia and motor disorder, were excluded from this study. Subjects were taped over Rectus abdominis and Erector spine, and the changes in strength in the lumbar were measured before taping (NTmt) and then at three different time scales, immediately after taping (T0mt), 24 hours (T24mt), and 48 hours (T48mt) after taping using the Apsun lumbar extension machine. Experimental data in terms of changes in strength before and after taping were compared with the average (M) and standard deviation (SD) for each parameter using statistical package, SPSS 12.0. All statistical analyses were performed using repeated analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test at a preset level of significance of α = 0.05. The results were as follows:
1. Strength in the lumbar was greatly improved after taping at all three different time scales (immediately after taping, 24 hours and 48 hours after taping) as compared to before taping.
2. Changes in maximum strength in the lumbar according to time lapse showed statistically significant difference. At the time of 24 hours after taping, change in strength was maximized, which then decreased.
3. In terms of strength in the lumbar according to time lapse, the maximum strength was achieved 24 hours (T24mt) after taping.
This study shows that strength can be improved by Kinesio taping and changed with time lapse. In particular, strength is greatly changed and achieved 24 hours after taping. Therefore, it is recommended that taping be applied 24 hours ahead of the competitions to effectively improve the strength and performance.
Key Words
kinesio taping, Lumbar, maximal strength
Characteristics of Anaerobic power function by short distance speed skater’s performance Levels 운동생리학 : 단거리 스피드 스케이팅 경기력수준별 무산소성 파워 특성
김재호JaeHoKim , 전용균YongKyunJeon , 이현수HyunSooLee
44(5) 363-369, 2005
Characteristics of Anaerobic power function by short distance speed skater’s performance Levels 운동생리학 : 단거리 스피드 스케이팅 경기력수준별 무산소성 파워 특성
김재호JaeHoKim , 전용균YongKyunJeon , 이현수HyunSooLee
It is assumed that in short distance speed skating is subject to Anaerbic power function. Thus the present investigation was aimed to characterize the Anaerbic power function of short distance speed skaters by their performance levels. In addition, the information derived from the results of study will be applied to improve their performance and a fitness training program. The subjects of this study were recruited by their performance levels and consisted of 8 male short distance speed skaters of the national team(ranking of 1~10) and 8 male collegiate and the junior short distance speed skaters(ranking of 11~20). They were tested for the total work, total work(KPM/kg), mean power, mean power(watt/kg), peak power, peak power(watt/kg), fatigue index in their knees using wingate.
The Anaerobic power test, national team group is foung to have higher than College team group, showing significant difference (p<.05) in mean power and total power.
The results suggest that the short distance speed skaters with the high performance level showed an appropriate Anaerobic power function to their events. This also suggest that a development of adequate Anaerbic power function is required for being an elite short distance speed skater.
Key Words
short distance skater, anerobic power function
Effects of weight Training on Sensory Organization Function in skiers 운동생리학 : 웨이트트레이닝이 스키선수들의 지각조절능기능에 미치는 효과
김진해JinHaeKim , 박우영WooYoungPark
44(5) 371-379, 2005
Effects of weight Training on Sensory Organization Function in skiers 운동생리학 : 웨이트트레이닝이 스키선수들의 지각조절능기능에 미치는 효과
김진해JinHaeKim , 박우영WooYoungPark
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 16 weeks weight training on sensory organization function in ski players. Computerized dynamic posturography (Equi-Test) was used to test sensory organization. Equi-Test facilitated of the role of somatosensory, visual and vestibular system in the maintenance of postural balance. Subject were assigned to healthy univ control group (n=14), K-university ski player(n=14). The exercise group were trained for 2 hour a day, three times per week, during 16 weeks. We analyzed mean difference of observed variables by two-way repeated ANOVA between the pre and post test. The result were as the following :
First, the effect was significant developed the condition C2, C3, C4, C6 after 16 weeks weight training.
Second, the effect was significant developed the condition C1, C4, C5, C6 on balance strategy.
The result of this reveal that 16 weeks weight training developed on postural balance and strategy.
The Expression of Regular Exercise on COX-2 mRNA and Protein in the Diabetic Rats Renal 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 운동시 당뇨병 백서 신장에서 COX-2 mRNA 및 Protein 발현
44(5) 381-390, 2005
The Expression of Regular Exercise on COX-2 mRNA and Protein in the Diabetic Rats Renal 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 운동시 당뇨병 백서 신장에서 COX-2 mRNA 및 Protein 발현
The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of regular aerobic exercise on cyclooxygenase(COX)-2 mRNA and protein in the diabetic rats renal. It were divided into control group(n=5) and diabetes group(n=5), diabetes+exercise group(n=5). Diabetic rats was induced by injecting streptozotocin(55mg/kg dissolved in 0.05M citrate buffer, pH 4.5) into rats that had been starved for 12hours. Rats of diabetes+exercise group were exercised 5 days per week for 6 weeks. The aerobic exercise regime consisted of running on a treadmill at an increasing pace. Body weight for 6 weeks was significantly higher in the control group compared to other groups. COX-2 mRNA expression was significantly higher in the diabetes group compared to the control and diabetes+exercise groups. Also, COX-2 protein expression was significantly higher in the diabetes group compared to the control and diabetes+exercise groups. These results suggest that regular aerobic exercise may have beneficial effects that decrease COX-2 mRNA and protein expression, which is associated with the hypertension by diabetic complications, inflammatory, tumor necrosis factors.
The Study for Treadmill Exercise using Virtual Reality simulation program view of the physiology 운동생리학 : 가상현실 프로그램을 이용한 트레드밀 운동의 생리적 변인 연구
남상남SangNamNam , 성민재MinJaeSung
44(5) 391-399, 2005
The Study for Treadmill Exercise using Virtual Reality simulation program view of the physiology 운동생리학 : 가상현실 프로그램을 이용한 트레드밀 운동의 생리적 변인 연구
남상남SangNamNam , 성민재MinJaeSung
The study intends to confirm stress hormone and cardiopulmonary functions between treadmill exercise group, normal treadmill exercise group with 10km simulation equipment and measured stress hormone(ACTH, epinephrine, norepinephrine) and cardiopulmonary functions(VO2, HR, R) immediately after exercising in resting condition against university-male between 20 and 24 years, 15 for experiment group and 15 for control group. This study through t-test acquired results as follow.
There are no differences at ACTH hormone, epinephrine, norepinephrine, the maximum oxygen intake, heart rate, breath exchange rate before running.
But there are some differences in significance level(p<0.01), ACTH recorded 50.43±6.40pg/㎖ in experiment group, and 82.34±8.76pg/㎖ in regulation group and epinephrine recorded 96.04±24.65pg/㎖ and 196.51±33.34pg/㎖ and norepinephrine recorded 781.34±69.02pg/㎖ and 1462.72±280.88pg/㎖ and the oxygen intake recorded 37.28±4.30㎖/kg/min and 40.99±4.19㎖/kg/min and heart rate recorded 162.09±12.48 beat/min and 172.97±13.54 beat/min and breath exchange rate recorded 0.98±0.03 and 1.00±0.02 Directly after running, there are some differences in significance level (p<0.01) between experiment group and regulation group in density of ACTH hormone and catecholamine.
This means that the experiment group with simulation equipment could carry out a task continuously under lower exercise intensity by visual information about other external stimulus and excited the sympathetic nerve because it has a high secretion of hormone, the oxygen intake, heart rate, breathe exchange rate, and stress from external stimulus in control group.
And it increase heart rate. So, it fit a person for the exercise. Also, the psychological factor makes to increase energy metabolism. In the future, in athletic sports, from testing similarity between various experiment with high-tech equipment and actual training, and studying other sports, It helps to improve game power with systematic and scientific training.
Key Words
Virtual Reality simulation program
The effect of prolonged exercise on GLUT 4 and glycogen contents to muscle composition in diabetic-induced rat skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 장시간의 수영운동이 streptozotocin에 의한 당뇨 유발 흰쥐의 골격근 부위별 GLUT 4와 글리코겐 함량에 미치는 영향
남일호IlHoNam , 김규완
44(5) 401-409, 2005
The effect of prolonged exercise on GLUT 4 and glycogen contents to muscle composition in diabetic-induced rat skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 장시간의 수영운동이 streptozotocin에 의한 당뇨 유발 흰쥐의 골격근 부위별 GLUT 4와 글리코겐 함량에 미치는 영향
남일호IlHoNam , 김규완
The effect of a 3 hour session of aerobic exercise on the concentration of muscle GLUT4 protein and glycogen in skeletal muscles of different types, i.c. soleus, red and white gastrocnemius, was evaluated in diabetic and non-diabetic Sprague Dawley rats.
Diabetes was induced by 60mg/kg Streptozotocin injection and swimming was performed during 3 hours in animal swimming pools.
There were no significant differences in muscle characteristics between groups (diabetic or non-diabetic groups). Insulin concentration was lower in the DMEX(Diabetes Mellitus Exercise) group (50.46±24.20pmol/l) compared to the NDMEX(Non Diabetes Mellitus Exercise) group (132.40±18.20pmol/l) and glucose concentration was higher in the DMEX group (692.2±45.4mg/dl) than in the NDMEX group (156.2±7.0mg/dl, p<.05). GLUT4 and glycogen concentrations were significantly different between groups and were significantly affected by exercise. GLUT4 after exercise was higher in red gastrocnemius (113.46±19.84%) and white gastrocnemius (58.68±14.46%) than control (p<.05). Glycogen concentration after exercise in DMEX group was higher in white gastrocnemius than soleus (p<.05). There was no change in GLUT4 or glycogen in soleus. In summary, this study has shown that prolonged exercise using the present animal model increases muscle GLUT4 and decreases the glycogen concentration of skeletal muscle. But the effect of exercise on GLUT4 and glycogen concentration are affected by diabetes, skeletal muscle composition and specific muscle recruitment.
The Relationship between Exercise-induce Decrease in Insulin Resistance and adiponectin in Obese Middle-aged Women 운동생리학 : 비만 중년여성에서 인슐린저항성의 운동 유발성 감소와 adiponectin과의 관계
44(5) 411-419, 2005
The Relationship between Exercise-induce Decrease in Insulin Resistance and adiponectin in Obese Middle-aged Women 운동생리학 : 비만 중년여성에서 인슐린저항성의 운동 유발성 감소와 adiponectin과의 관계
The purpose of this study was undertaken to clarify whether 12weeks combined aerobic and resistance exercise training-induced decrease in insulin resistance is related to changes in adiponectin concentrations in obese middled-aged women. Subjects were composed of fourteen obese middle-aged women who have not habitual exercise or not participate any exercise program. The combined training group performed that the resistance exercise was composed of 80% of 1RM, 10-12 repetitions per set, 2set, 40 minutes a day for 3 days a week and the aerobic exercise was composed of 40-60%HRR during first 6 weeks, 60-80%HRR during next 12weeks, 50 minutes a day for 3 days a week. Body weight and % body fat were no changed in exercise and control group after 12weeks. LBM was significantly (p<.05) increased in exercise group, but not control group. HDL-C was significantly(p<.05) increased and insulin was significantly(p<.05) decreased, but not TC, TG, LDL-C, AI, glucose in exercise group. HOMA-IR was significantly(p<.05) decreased in only exercise group, but adiponectin did not change in both groups. At baseline, adiponectin correlated with WHR, HDL-C, TG and Change in adiponectin after 12 weeks correlated with body fat mass and %body fat. In conclusion, there was no change in adiponectin concentrations with combined aerobic and resistance exercise training that did not alter body fat mass, despite an improvement in insulin resistance. So, the findings of this study suggest that adiponectin concentrations is not a contributory factor to the exercise-related improvements in insulin resistance.
The Relationship between Vitamin D Receptor & Estrogen Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Bone Mineral Density in Athletes by Types of Exercise 운동생리학 : 운동 유형에 따른 선수의 비타민 D 수용체 및 에스트로젠 수용체 유전자 타입과 골밀도와의 상관관계
박정국JeongGukPark , 신영오YoungOhShin , 오재근JaeKeunOh
44(5) 421-429, 2005
The Relationship between Vitamin D Receptor & Estrogen Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Bone Mineral Density in Athletes by Types of Exercise 운동생리학 : 운동 유형에 따른 선수의 비타민 D 수용체 및 에스트로젠 수용체 유전자 타입과 골밀도와의 상관관계
박정국JeongGukPark , 신영오YoungOhShin , 오재근JaeKeunOh
Previous studies have suggested that variation in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene or estrogen receptor (ER) gene are related to bone mineral density (BMD). Our study was aimed to analyze both gene polymorphism and evaluated correlation with BMD by types of exercise in athletes. The subjects were 48 male athletic college students who had not taken hormone replacement. They were divided into two groups; weight bearing exercise group (WB, n=22; hand ball, archery) and non-weight bearing exercise group (NWB, n=26; swim). DNA was extracted from blood and analyzed for restriction fragment length polymorphism with the restriction endonucleases BsmI for vitamin D receptor and XbaI for estrogen receptor. We measured bone mineral density (BMD) of lumbar spine (L2-L4) by using DEXA (Dual energy X-ray absortiometry; Norland, Norway). The results are as follows.
BMD in WB is higher significantly than that in NWB (p<.01). There was a significant difference in distribution of VDR genotypes between groups (χ2 test, p<.01; Bb< bb), but not in the case of ER (χ2 test, p >.05; XXxx, p=.049). Three of most frequent cross-genotype were bbxx, bbXx and Bbxx. However, no difference in BMD among three genotypes.
In conclusion, there is relationship between vitamin D receptor & estrogen receptor gene polymorphism and bone mineral density in athletes, and moreover, in weight bearing exercise athletes.
Key Words
bone mineral density, vitamin D receptor, estrogen receptor, gene polymorphism, correlation
Effects of Regular Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Fat and Physical Self-concept of Obese Middle School Boys 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 유산소 운동이 비만중학생의 체지방율 및 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
박진성JinSungPark , 조춘호ChunHoCho
44(5) 431-442, 2005
Effects of Regular Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Fat and Physical Self-concept of Obese Middle School Boys 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 유산소 운동이 비만중학생의 체지방율 및 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
박진성JinSungPark , 조춘호ChunHoCho
This study was to investigate the effect of regular aerobic exercise training on physical self-concept and body fat of 30 obese middle school boys. A total of 30 obese middle school boys participated in this study as subjects. They were divided into two groups ; experimental group(n=15) versus control group(n=15) with a 12 week aerobic exercise program. The main point of this study was to find out the effects of regular aerobic exercise on the physical self-concept and body fat of obese middle school boys. The instrument used in this study was the Korean version of physical self-description questionnaires developed by Kim, Beuong-Jun(2001). Mean and standard deviation were calculated. The results obtained through ANCOVA were as follows; The investigated sub-factors of physical self-concept were the following 10 items; appearance, muscle strength, flexibility, health, physical activity, body fat, sports competence, overall body, and self-esteem.
The conclusions were as follows: First, the experimental group, which took regular aerobic exercises, showed statistically significant difference in the reduction of body fat. Second, the experimental group, which took regular aerobic exercises, also significantly improved in the 10 sub-factors of physical self-concept. Third, there was a significance in body fat between the experimental group and control group. Lastly, there was a significance in the 10 sub-factors of physical self-concept.
Key Words
regular aerobic exercise, body fat, physical self-concept
Comparison on the Heart Rate(HR), Systolic Blood Pressure(SBP) & Double Product(DP) between Walking and Running 운동생리학 : 걷기와 달리기간 심박수, 수축기혈압 및 심부담도 비교
박평욱PyungWookPark , 이광식KwangSikLee , 신원태WonTaeShin
44(5) 443-450, 2005
Comparison on the Heart Rate(HR), Systolic Blood Pressure(SBP) & Double Product(DP) between Walking and Running 운동생리학 : 걷기와 달리기간 심박수, 수축기혈압 및 심부담도 비교
박평욱PyungWookPark , 이광식KwangSikLee , 신원태WonTaeShin
The purpose of this study is to compare the cardiac load between walking and running with the same O2 level. 11 male students majoring in physical education were optionally selected as the subject. In the first experiment, the graded exercise test was executed for walking and running to determine the changing point of economic efficiency for each exercise. In the second experiment, the subjects were performed to walk at the speed of the changing point of economic efficiency±1kph, and running speed was set by the same VO₂ of walking, respectively. HR and SBP were measured immediately after walking or running for 5 minutes with the selected speed and DP was calculated from HR and SBP. The results are as follows. 1) The HR of walking was higher than that of running with the same Vo₂ in changing point of economic efficiency-1kph. However, there wasn’t any significant difference between HR of walking with the changing point of economic efficiency+1kph and of running with the same VO₂. 2) For the SBP, there wasn’t any significant difference between walking with the changing point of economic efficiency-1kph and running with the same VO₂. However, the SBP of walking with the changing point of economic efficiency+1kph was higher than that of running with the same VO₂. 3) The DP of walking was higher than that of running with the changing point of economic efficiency-1kph and +1kph. The results represented that the DP is higher in walking than in running with the scope of the changing point of economic efficiency±1kph for walking and running, even if the VO₂ is the same. Thus, precautions should be needed when exercising with fast walking.
The Effects of Exercise Type on Body Composition, Cardiovascular Fitness, Physical Performance and Biochemical Variables in Type 2 Diabetic Patients 운동생리학 : 제2형 당뇨병환자에 있어 운동유형이 신체조성, 심혈관계 기능, 신체수행능력 및 생화학적 변인에 미치는 효과
44(5) 451-462, 2005
The Effects of Exercise Type on Body Composition, Cardiovascular Fitness, Physical Performance and Biochemical Variables in Type 2 Diabetic Patients 운동생리학 : 제2형 당뇨병환자에 있어 운동유형이 신체조성, 심혈관계 기능, 신체수행능력 및 생화학적 변인에 미치는 효과
The purpose of the present study was to find out the influence over which the exercise type on type 2DM patients may have body composition, cardiovascular fitness and metabolic profile. Patients were volunteers(N:27) who had been assigned to a resistance group(RG, N:11), an aerobic exercise group(AG, N:8) and a combined group(resistance+aerobic ; RAG N:8). In order to measure exercise intensity, resistance exercise was based on 15~20RM, aerobic exercise intensity was based on ventilatory threshold and combined exercise on both. Each group was scheduled to implement the training for twelve weeks, two times per day and five days per week.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as followings(p<.05); Body weight, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio and percent fat of anthropometric variables were significantly reduced in all group. The intensity of exercise at the ventilatory threshold and flexibility were significantly increased in all group. FBS, PP2 and fasting insulin of biochemical variables were reduced in all group. The percent fat of the AG group was significantly lower than that of the RG group. VO2 and BP at the ventilatory threshold were significantly improved in both AG and RG group. %HRmax was significantly increased in both AG and RAG. %HRR at ventilatory threshold of RAG group was significantly higher than that of RG group. Strength and strength endurance were significantly increased in RG group. The decrease in total cholesterol was significant in AG group. HDL-C was significantly increased in RG group. The decrease in LDL-C was significant in RG and AG group.
The study concludes that not only aerobic exercise but also resistance like a circuit type and combined exercise improves weight control, body composition, cardiovascular fitness, blood glucose control, insulin and lipid profile in type 2 diabetic patients effectively.
Key Words
type 2DM, ventilatory threshold, Low intensity, resistance
The effect of prolonged exercise on pro- and macro-glycogen mobilization in aging rat skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 장시간의 운동이 노화에 따른 쥐 근육 내 pro- 및 macro-glycogen 동운에 미치는 영향
The effect of prolonged exercise on pro- and macro-glycogen mobilization in aging rat skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 장시간의 운동이 노화에 따른 쥐 근육 내 pro- 및 macro-glycogen 동운에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine that the effect of one single bout of prolonged exercise on pro- and macro-glycogen mobilization in aging rat skeletal muscle. Forty eight rats were used and divided into three groups by age; 0 week (n=16), 16 weeks (n=16), 32 weeks (n=16). Each experimental group was further divided into two subgroups; either control (n=8) or exercise (n=8). All animals in exercise groups performed one bout of 3hr swimming exercise (30min × 6bouts). One week before the animals were sacrificed, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; 2 grams of glucoseㆍkg-1 of body mass) was undertaken. At pre-determined time points, the animals were anesthetized by inhalation of ether, and red vastus lateralis muscle was rapidly dissected out and used for total glycogen content as well as pro- and macro-glycogen content measurement. Body mass was significantly heavier in 16wk (302.0±11.1 g) and 32wk (325.7±10.1 g) compared to 0wk (117.8±0.9g), but it was not statistically different between 16wk and 32wk. Three hours of swimming exercise significantly lowered plasma glucose concentration in all experimental groups (p<.001). Resting insulin concentration was only significantly different between 0wk and 32wk (not 16 wk). In aspects of serum insulin concentration, it was the highest in 32wk, and was the lowest in 0wk after 3hr swim exercise. Although resting total glycogen concentration was not significantly different among experimental groups, proglycogen concentration was significantly increased and macroglycogen concentration was significantly decreased in aged muscle. Although 3hr of swim exercise significantly lowered muscle PG content, MG level was not significantly altered. In summary, as aging process continued, PG concentration was increased and the degree of mobilization was continuously increased. This implies that PG may play a major role for energy production during prolonged exercise in aged rat skeletal muscles.
Development of a regression equation for health-physical fitness age in older men 운동생리학 : 남성노인의 활동체력연령 추정식 개발
이만균ManGyoonLee , 성순창SoonChangSung , 공성아SungAKong
44(5) 473-483, 2005
Development of a regression equation for health-physical fitness age in older men 운동생리학 : 남성노인의 활동체력연령 추정식 개발
이만균ManGyoonLee , 성순창SoonChangSung , 공성아SungAKong
This study was designed to create a regression equation for health-physical fitness age in the male elderly. Two hundred fifty healthy older men, aged 65~85years, were volunteered to participate in the study. Thirteen items of physical fitness for daily activity, several variables related to body composition, and blood pressure were measured. After performing primary component analysis, a regression equation for health-physical fitness age was created by utilizing first primary component before rotation as dependent variable and seven items representing each item after the rotation as predictors. The validity of the equation was confirmed by cross-validity test performed in other 50 older men. Therefore, the regression equation could be utilized as a useful index for degree of aging in older men. The regression equation is as follows:
FAFS= -8.611+.005X1+0.0009X2+.053X3+.014X4+0.009X5+0.105X6+0.093X7 (R2=0.935) ----(1)(X1=DBP, X2=grip strength, X3=standing from sitting, X4=vertical jump, X5=sit-and-reach, X6=fat-free mass, X7=fat mass) AFA= 5.171FAFS+73.03 -----(2) Z = 1.376age-27.46 ------(3) AFAc = 5.171FAFS+73.03+Z ----(4)(AFA=activity fitness age, Z=correction factor, AFAc=corrected activity fitness age)
The physical fitness age calculated by the regression equation after correction had a difference from chrolonical age, but the average of the physical fitness age was close to the chrolonical age. Additionally, the correlation coefficient between the activity fitness age and chrolonical age was .790(p=0.05). The quation created in the present study was unique because it could evaluate the health-related factors by including the diastolic blood pressure, fat-free mass, and fat mass, and because it could assess the degree of aging easily by including the components which could be measured by non-invasive method.The equation would be utilized for the exerdse prescription in the elderly, recruiting and the distribution of the elderly in the company.
The Effect of the Lumbar Back Strength Stabilization for Chronic Lumbargo patients by the Sling-Exercise and Medx-Training during 6weeks 운동생리학 : 6주간의 Sling운동과 Medx운동이 만성요통환자의 요부근력 안정화에 미치는 영향
44(5) 485-492, 2005
The Effect of the Lumbar Back Strength Stabilization for Chronic Lumbargo patients by the Sling-Exercise and Medx-Training during 6weeks 운동생리학 : 6주간의 Sling운동과 Medx운동이 만성요통환자의 요부근력 안정화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Sling-exercise and Medx-training to low back pain patient's lumbar back strength stabilization.
Subjects were 13 men, 11 women of low back pain patient, and were treated by Sling-exercise and Medx-training.
The method was two training to 4times/week put in effect, so that total times was 40min. in the course of 6 weeks. And then lumbar back strength of angle were measured and the results were as follows.Lumbar back strength of men showed a significant different in the period. and both groups showed increased tendency. Especially, Sling-exercise group showed a higher than medx-training group.
Lumbar back strength of women showed a significant different in the period. and both groups showed increased tendency. Especially, Sling-exercise group showed a higher than medx-training group. These results could suggest effective program as improvement of lumbar back strength to low back pain patient.
Key Words
sling-exercise, medx-training, Low back pain, Lumbar back strength
Effects of Eccentric Exercise on Physiological Responses of the following Endurance Exercise 운동생리학 : 신장성수축운동의 선행실시가 지구성운동시의 생리학적 반응에 미치는 영향
44(5) 493-505, 2005
Effects of Eccentric Exercise on Physiological Responses of the following Endurance Exercise 운동생리학 : 신장성수축운동의 선행실시가 지구성운동시의 생리학적 반응에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the this study was to examine effects of eccentric exercise on physiological responses of the following endurance exercise. Ten healthy men cycled at 80% VO(2max) until exhaustion(endurance exercise). Before the endurance exercise, eccentric contraction exercise (ECC) was performed maximum elbow flexor of the both at 60degrees. s(-1), 5sets of 10maximal efforts and non-eccentric contraction exercise(NO-ECC) used as control. Aerobic work capacity (cardiocirculatory system reaction, RPE, and exercise time) was monitored during cycle ergometer exercise. blood test (Plasma catecholamine, serum cortisol, serum testosterone, blood lactate, CPK, Mb concentrations) was measured before, immediately after, 0.5, 1, 2, 24, 72, 168 hours after the cycle ergometer exercise and evaluated markers of muscle damage at the same time course. Aerobic work capacity and blood test were not significantly different between ECC or NO-ECC. Mean arterial pressure was significantly increased at ECC compared with NO-ECC (p<.05). Muscle soreness, circumference, and ROM were significantly different between ECC or NO-ECC(respectively, p<.01, p<.05). Muscle soreness was significantly decreased at immediately after, 2, 24, and 72 hours after ECC (respectively, p<.01), and circumference was significantly increased at immediately after, 2, 24, and 72 hours after ECC in medial region(respectively, p<.01, p<.05), and ROM on flexor and extension was significantly decreased at immediately after, 24, and 72 hours after ECC (respectively, p<.01), and ROM on flexor was significantly decreased at 168 hours after ECC (p<.05). These results suggest that endurance exercise after eccentric contraction exercise changes blood pressure, and increases load of cardiovascular system, and increased blood pressure response on ECC-induced damaged muscle may be controlled by change of chemical environment in the muscle.
Effect of treadmill exercise on plasma Lipid profile and Leptin concentrations in high-fat fed rats 운동생리학 : 장기간 트레드밀 운동이 고지방식이 쥐의 혈중 지질성분과 렙틴농도에 미치는 영향
Effect of treadmill exercise on plasma Lipid profile and Leptin concentrations in high-fat fed rats 운동생리학 : 장기간 트레드밀 운동이 고지방식이 쥐의 혈중 지질성분과 렙틴농도에 미치는 영향
The prevalence of obesity is increasing. Although the etiology of obesity is complex, dietary factors, particularly the consumption of a high-fat diet, is considered a risk factor for its development. Physically activity, in contrast, is an important factor for preventing and treating obesity. The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of treadmill exercise on plasma lipids profile and leptin concentrations in high-fat fed rats. Male Sprague Dawley rats were assigned into four groups: the control group, the normal diet group, the high-fat diet group, and the high-fat diet and exercise group. High-fat diet groups were fed a diet with 45% fat and 30% carbohydrate, while the control groups were fed a diet with 4% fat and 70% carbohydrate. Animals of the exercise groups were made to run on a treadmill 60min, 6 days per week for 6 weeks. At the end of 6 weeks, weight gain, plasma lipids, and leptin was measured. The high-fat diet caused increases in body weight gain, serum triglycerides, LDL, and leptin levels. The exercise attenuated body weight gain, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and leptin levels under condition of the high-fat diet as well as the normal diet. Those results indicate that exercise improves plasma lipids and leptin under normal diet and suppresses the high-fat diet-induced increase in leptin levels, suggesting its potential in the treatment of abnormal lipids and leptin changes associated with abnormal lipid metabolism.
Key Words
treadmill exercise, high-fat diet, Lipid, Leptin
Effects of Swimming and Weight Training on Body Composition, Record and Blood Component with high School Swimmer 운동생리학 : Weight와 Swimming 복합훈련이 남녀 수영선수의 신체조성, 기록과 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
44(5) 519-527, 2005
Effects of Swimming and Weight Training on Body Composition, Record and Blood Component with high School Swimmer 운동생리학 : Weight와 Swimming 복합훈련이 남녀 수영선수의 신체조성, 기록과 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
This study analyzed the changes of record, blood component and body composition following training method combined weight in swimming. The male and female swimmer(n=28) in high school trained for 12weeks dividing into 4 group, which are male weight and swimming training group(MWT, n=7), male swimming training group(MST, n=7), female weight and swimming training group(FWT, n=7) and female swimming training group(FST, n=7) for determine the effect on training method combined weight in swimming. The MWT and FWT group was operated weight training for 3days(Mon., Wed., Fri.) and swimming training for 3days(Tue., Thu., Sat.) with 6 times/week, and MST and FST group was operated only swimming training with 6 times/week, Also Swimming training was operated in the same way with similar training condition between 4group as possible. All date were expressed as mean and standard deviations by using SPSS window 11.0 package program, and were analyzed by using paired t-test to evaluate the change of within groups and were analyzed using one-way ANOVA to evaluate the difference of between groups. For the posttest, Duncan was employed. These statistical processes were all performed at the significant level of .05. the results of the study can be described as follows. 1) Body weight increased within MWT, FWT and FST groups, and MWT group increased more significant than MST, FWT and FST group. 2) Body fat mass decreased within FWT group, and increased within FST group. MWT and FWT group decreased more significant than MST, FST group. 3) Lean body mass increased within MWT and FWT group, and MWT group increased more significant than MST, FWT and FST group, and FWT group increased more significant than MST and FST group. 4) 100m and 200m record decreased within all groups, and FWT group decreased more significant than MWT, MST and FST group. 5) Red blood corpuscle increased within MWT, FWT and FST group, and MWT and FWT group increased more significant than MST and FST group. 6) Hemoglobin increase within MWT, MST and FWT group, and MWT and FWT group increased more significant than MST and FST group.
Key Words
weight training, swimming, blood component, body composition
The effects of different environment temperature on serum Lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase activity and cortisol concentration during prolonged exercise 운동생리학 : 환경온도차이가 지구성운동시 혈청 LDH, CK 활성 및 Cortisol 농도에 미치는 영향
44(5) 529-536, 2005
The effects of different environment temperature on serum Lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase activity and cortisol concentration during prolonged exercise 운동생리학 : 환경온도차이가 지구성운동시 혈청 LDH, CK 활성 및 Cortisol 농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different environment temperature on serum LDH, CK activity and cortisol concentration. Subjects were seven healthy males who not taking any particular physical training.
Temperature and humidity was consisted of high temperature(35±0.5°C), normal temperature(20±0.5°C), Low temperature(5±0.5°C) and maintained 50±3% humidity condition. Treadmill exercise maintained 60% VO2max exercise in the chamber. LDH, CK and cortisol concentration were compared between measured time by one-way ANOVA with repeated measure. Differences were considered significant at the 95% level of confidence(p<.05). Serum LDH activity was a significant difference at recovery 15min between group (p<.05), Tukey post-hoc analysis further revealed that LDH activity was significantly greater in high temperature than normal temperature. Serum CK activity was not significant difference. Cortisol concentration was a significant difference at 30min adaptation in the chamber(p<.05), tukey post-hoc analysis further revealed that cortisol concentration was significantly greater in low temperature than high temperature and normal temperature. These finding suggest that exercise is mainly factor of efflux enzyme and high temperature shows complex and additional factor in injury of skeletal muscle.
Key Words
LDH, CK, cortisol, temperature
Analysis of the Pattern of Arm and Leg Motions in Hurdle Race 운동역학 : 허들경기에서 팔,다리의 동작패턴 분석
44(5) 539-548, 2005
Analysis of the Pattern of Arm and Leg Motions in Hurdle Race 운동역학 : 허들경기에서 팔,다리의 동작패턴 분석
The purpose of the study was purposed to analyze the pattern of arm and leg motions observed during the 6th phase hurdle section, which is a speedingup interval in a 110m hurdle race and to provide information useful for scientific training of hurdling motion. The results obtained from this study were as follow.
1. Many hurdlers lifted their two arms forward simultaneously at the moment of leaping. It is judged that they need to have training for posture correction in order to position rear arm far behind the leading leg playing.
2. The motion of the lead arm induces the motion of the lead leg and plays an important role in balancing the body in the air. It is judged that the hurdlers in Group C need to correct their pattern of motion for appropriate forward lean angle of the upper body and strong backward swing.
3. For hurdlers who kept the knee of the lead leg straight from leaping to landing, if they bend the knee of the lead leg on time and stretch it down strongly toward the ground, the hurdling motion of the stamping leg will become easier.
4. In the motion of the stamping leg, A1 and C2 showed a significant difference in height between the hip joint and the knee joint while passing over the hurdle. These hurdlers should pass over the hurdle, barely touching it, by improving the flexibility and the knee bending of the lead leg, bending and turning outwardly the knee of the stamping leg and lifting it so that the thigh, the lower leg and the foot become parallel with the ground at a height to pass over the hurdle.
5. According to the result of analyzing the forward lean angle of the upper body and the moving trace of the top of the head, A1 and C2 need more flexibility in their waist and the hip joint.
6. The moving distance (L2) of the body center from leaping to the highest point in the air was longest in the following order; Group B, C and A. L2 was ,that is, shortest in Group A.
Key Words
Mechanical Energy Contribution of the Lower Extremity Joint to Sprint Start According to the Changes of Inclined Angle of Starting Block 운동역학 : 단거리 스타트 시 스타팅블록 각도 변화에 따른 하지 관절의 기계적 에너지 기여도 분석
Mechanical Energy Contribution of the Lower Extremity Joint to Sprint Start According to the Changes of Inclined Angle of Starting Block 운동역학 : 단거리 스타트 시 스타팅블록 각도 변화에 따른 하지 관절의 기계적 에너지 기여도 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical energy contribution of the lower extremity joint to sprint start according to the changes of inclined angle of starting block(F, F1, F2). Using kinetic and kinematic data from 3 university sprinters participating in this study we calculated the energies absorbed and generated by the lower extremity joints.
Comparing mean of the energy absorbed and generated from lower extremity joints of each subjects according to backward block inclined angle increase(F, F1, F2) we generated ratio of a total energy absorbed and generated from lower extremities to one from knee joints. Generated energy of knee joints in start was highest and absorbed energy of ones was the lowest at 55 degree of backward block angle, or F, for subject 1, 50 degree for subject 2, and 50 degree for subject 3.
The error analysis of DLT parameters by using Monte Carlo simulation 운동역학 : 몬테카를로(Monte Carlo) 방법을 이용한 DLT 계수의 오차분석
44(5) 559-568, 2005
The error analysis of DLT parameters by using Monte Carlo simulation 운동역학 : 몬테카를로(Monte Carlo) 방법을 이용한 DLT 계수의 오차분석
Usually, the independent variable containing uncertainty has an influence on the dependent variable. Unless the uncertainty is considered, the solution of interested system leads to inaccurate result. The purpose of this study is to explore the error of estimated DLT(direct linear transformation) parameters which are calculated from DLT equations by using the law of propagation of error and Monte Carlo simulation. For this purpose, means and standard deviations on the screen coordinates of 12 samples for 12 control points were measured and used above two methods. From the propagation of error, 11 DLT parameters’ standard deviation were calculated. Then, based on this result, Monte Carlo simulation was performed. The number of 1500 computer generated random number from was used as the independent variables. As entering the random number to DLT equation as the input variables, 1500 times of DLT routine was looped and 1500 samples of each DLT parameter were obtained. Even though the results of this study showed no particular difference between two methods, Monte Carlo simulation method made performing predictable error analysis possible by offering more information of considered system. In the DLT which parameters can be obtained through measurement, it was more understandable for the system to use Monte Carlo simulation.
Key Words
DLT, propagation of error, monte carlo
The Analysis of Electromyography of Professional Golfer’s swing in each golf club 운동역학 : 골프클럽 길이 변화에 따른 프로골퍼 스윙에 관한 근전도 분석
44(5) 569-578, 2005
The Analysis of Electromyography of Professional Golfer’s swing in each golf club 운동역학 : 골프클럽 길이 변화에 따른 프로골퍼 스윙에 관한 근전도 분석
The purpose of this study were to describe and compare the selected electromyographical muscle activations during the Professional golfer‘s swing in each golf club and so identify the stress related to golf swings, and provide the basic data to minimize the injury risk in golf swing.
Using surface electrode electromyography, we evaluated muscle activity in 4 male professional golfers during a golf 1wood, 3iron, 5iron & 7iron swing. In order to measure electromyography(EMG), this study used the ME3000P8 Measurement Unit of MegaWin System(Mega Electronics Ltd, Fin) The sampling rate was set up as 1000HZ. %RVC(Reference voluntary contraction) method was used in the normalization process for EMG analysis. The golf address movement was assumed for RVC. 6mm digital video camera(GR-DVR9500, GR-DVR9800 JVC) was used for cinematographic data. This study selected latissimus(LS), deltoid(DT), rectus femoris(RF), and gastronemius(GC), as the muscles related to golf swing mechanism in the time of golf swing.
The results can be summarized as follows: RDT(Right Deltoid), LLS(Left Latissimus), RGC(Right Gastrocnemius), LRF(Left Rectus Femoris) had statistically significant difference in take away phase, RDT(Right Deltoid) and LGC(Left Gastrocnemius) had statistically significant difference in forward swing phase, RRF(Right Rectus Femoris) had statistically significant difference in acceleration phase, LLS(Left Latissimus) had statistically significant difference in early follow through phase, RDT(Right Deltoid), LLS(Left Latissimus), RLS(Right Latissimus), LRF(Left Rectus Femoris) in late follow through phase.
Key Words
golf swing, muscle activity, RVC EMG
The Effects of Warranty and Subject Knowledge on Perceived Quality and Risk and Purchasing Intention of Golf Club in College Students 스포츠산업,경영학 : 대학생의 골프클럽에 대한 보증, 주관적 지식이 인지된 품질과 위험 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
44(5) 581-590, 2005
The Effects of Warranty and Subject Knowledge on Perceived Quality and Risk and Purchasing Intention of Golf Club in College Students 스포츠산업,경영학 : 대학생의 골프클럽에 대한 보증, 주관적 지식이 인지된 품질과 위험 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the causal relationship purchasing intention of golf club among warranty, subject knowledge, perceived quality and risk in college students. Responses were collected from 300 out of the 202 questionnaires, A total of 190 responses were used in data analysis; twelves questionnaires were excluded from data analysis because of incomplete or missing data. To conduct this study the hypothesized structure equation model(SEM) was used by Amos 4.0. the result of this study indicated; first, subjective knowledge was statistically positive causal relationship with perceived quality, however, subjective knowledge was not statistically causal relationship with perceived risk. Second, warranty was statistically positive causal relationship with perceived quality but, not statistically significant negative causal relationship with perceived risk. lastly, perceived quality was statistically positive causal relationship with purchasing intention of golf club, However perceived risk was not statistically negative causal relationship with purchasing intention of golf club.
Key Words
perceived risk, perceived quality, trust of warranty, subjective knowledge, purchasing intention, golf club
Study of Leisure,Sports Industry Cluster Model in Gyeongnam Province through Locally-initiated Development Strategy 스포츠산업,경영학 : 내발적 발전전략을 통한 경남권 레저,스포츠산업 cluster모델 연구
박봉률BongYulPark , 김남규NamKyuKim , 최윤택YounTackChoi
44(5) 591-609, 2005
Study of Leisure,Sports Industry Cluster Model in Gyeongnam Province through Locally-initiated Development Strategy 스포츠산업,경영학 : 내발적 발전전략을 통한 경남권 레저,스포츠산업 cluster모델 연구
박봉률BongYulPark , 김남규NamKyuKim , 최윤택YounTackChoi
This study, based on several preceding studies which are related to the theme of the study, shows strategic alternatives to development of the sports tourism industry cluster model in Gyeongnam Province as the way of activating the value of the sports tourism and local economy in the region. The First, we are mainly to develop Tongyong, Kosung and Namhae as the area of marine leisuresports complex with Keoje city centered. The secondly, Sanchung, Keochang, Hadong and Hapcheon as the area of alpine leisuresports complex with Hamyang County centered. The thirdly, Changwon, Kimhae, Masan and Sacheon as the area of city-based leisuresports complex with Jinhae city centered. Lastly, we are to develop Uiryung and Milyang as the area of culture-grafted leisuresports complex with Changnyung County centered. Gyeongnam Province has absolute priority about the industry which takes up leisure and sports as the theme, so it is clearly desirable to take it for the strategic industry.
Key Words
cluster, Locally initiated development
Impacts of Fan Identification on Perceived Sponsorship Effectiveness and Purchase Intentions 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠 팬 일체성에 따른 스폰서십 효과 및 구매의도에 관한 연구
박상윤SangYoonPark , 장경로KyungRoChang
44(5) 611-620, 2005
Impacts of Fan Identification on Perceived Sponsorship Effectiveness and Purchase Intentions 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠 팬 일체성에 따른 스폰서십 효과 및 구매의도에 관한 연구
박상윤SangYoonPark , 장경로KyungRoChang
Purposes of this study were to assess the perceptions of sponsorship effectiveness and the effects of perceived sponsorship effectiveness on purchase intentions among sport fans. Sport fans were classified into three groups(high, medium, and low) based on their identification levels. 350 sport fans responded to the questionnaire and 284 surveys were returned usable. Construct validity and reliability were measured by confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 8.0 and cronbach’s alpha using SPSS 11.0. Results using multiple regression showed that fan identification had an impact on perceived sponsorship effectiveness. In addition, sponsor image had an impact on purchase intentions for all sport fans. Finally, perceived importance of sponsorship had an impact on purchase intentions for low identified fans. It was expected that the results of this study can provide a meaningful information to sport marketers regarding selecting target markets and implementing sponsorship strategies.
Key Words
fan identification, sponsorship effectiveness, purchase intentions
A study comparative on advertising effects of stadium ads and virtual ads 스포츠산업,경영학 : 경기장광고와 가상광고의 광고효과 비교 연구
양걸GirlYang , 곽정현JeongHyeonKwak , 전익기IkKiJeon
44(5) 621-630, 2005
A study comparative on advertising effects of stadium ads and virtual ads 스포츠산업,경영학 : 경기장광고와 가상광고의 광고효과 비교 연구
양걸GirlYang , 곽정현JeongHyeonKwak , 전익기IkKiJeon
The purpose of the present study is to examine the effects of virtual advertising on TV viewers. For this purpose, the author researched and compared the effects on the stadium ads and the virtual ads. The results suggest the following:
First, regarding the analysis of exposure effects of the advertising between the stadium ads and the virtual ads, the virtual ads showed more effects than the stadium ads, by 5.77% in recall rate and 8.82% in recognition rate. This result would support and generalize the research by Kim Hyo-kyu (2000) that the effects of the virtual ads were more effective than the real advertising boards around the stadium and company logos on the players’ uniform in regards of the viewers’ recognition and recollection. Furthermore, the virtual ads were inserting advertised images into the appropriate location such as empty space on the stadium without artificial appearance, eventually leading to exposure effects more efficiently than the stadium ads.
Second, regarding the advertising attitudes between the stadium ads and the virtual ads, reliability and notice effects of the virtual ads in the cognitive advertising attitude were higher than those of the stadium ads. The results explained that the virtual ads could enhance the reliability of the brand, and that had more notice effects than the stadium ads. Regarding the emotional advertising attitude, the virtual ads showed more effects than the stadium ads in relation to empathy. This also explained that the technique of the virtual ads aroused more empathy in the viewers’ emotional aspects than that of the stadium ads. The results of analyzing the synthetic advertising attitudes found no difference. Synthetically, although the virtual ads did not stimulate the viewers’ desire, it proved that they provided information and facts, and that they were more effective than the stadium ads in attitude and emotional aspects. It was meaningful to establish the fact that the virtual ads were more effective than the stadium ads since the advertising attitudes would eventually lead to product attitudes.
Key Words
advertising effects, stadium ads, virtual ads
A Study of Availability and Accessibility of Recreational Park 스포츠산업,경영학 : 지역주민의 체육공원 이용성 및 접근성 연구
조민행MinHaengCho , 전용배YongBaeJun
44(5) 631-641, 2005
A Study of Availability and Accessibility of Recreational Park 스포츠산업,경영학 : 지역주민의 체육공원 이용성 및 접근성 연구
조민행MinHaengCho , 전용배YongBaeJun
The purpose of this study was to survey the availability and accessibility of recreational park of the community residents. 302 samples were selected by systematic cluster sampling method. Of 320 questionnaires distributed, 301 subjects were completed. Subjects completed the availability and accessibility questionnaire containing three dimensions of 29 items. The descriptive analysis and chi-square test were performed using SPSS package for PC Windows. The results of this study with regard to availability of recreational park for community residents indicated that there were currently a large number of recreation and sport opportunities available for the community residents. With respect to types of sports activities, there appears not to be a preponderance of dynamic and various sports available in recreational park. A large number of the community residents showed that they felt accessible to the recreational park. The findings of this study indicated that recreational park for the community residents should be provided by availability and accessibility to park for the community residents.
Key Words
Availability, Accessibility, Recreational Park
The Influence of Hockey Instructor’s Charismatic Leadership on the Team’s Efficiency 스포츠산업,경영학 : 하키 지도자의 카리스마 리더십이 팀 효율성에 미치는 영향
조태수TaeSooCho , 이진석JinSukLee
44(5) 643-653, 2005
The Influence of Hockey Instructor’s Charismatic Leadership on the Team’s Efficiency 스포츠산업,경영학 : 하키 지도자의 카리스마 리더십이 팀 효율성에 미치는 영향
조태수TaeSooCho , 이진석JinSukLee
The purpose of this study is to understand how instructor’s charismatic leadership affects players’ satisfaction and their ability, and to increase the instructor’s efficiency during the game. The data presented in this study was collected from the pros and college players currently registered in the Korean Hockey League. Total 277 materials were used for the final analysis. Statistical methods used for verification of the purpose in this study were correlation analysis and regression analysis, and the result was as the following. Firstly, instructor’s expectations and confidence expressing behaviors result in positive impact, and precepting actions and group-identity emphatic behaviors result in negative impact. Secondly, in the elements of the hockey instructor’s charismatic leadership, only expectations and confidence expressing behaviors cause positive impact within the teamwork.
Legal Issues on Sport in Korea for the Future 스포츠산업,경영학 : 미래 한국 스포츠가 직면해 있는 법적이슈와 연구과제
44(5) 655-665, 2005
Legal Issues on Sport in Korea for the Future 스포츠산업,경영학 : 미래 한국 스포츠가 직면해 있는 법적이슈와 연구과제
The purpose of this study was to predict what types of legal issues on sport in Korea would be raised as an important problem and should be more studied for the future. For the purpose of this study, precedents related to sport and trend of legal study on sport in Korea were examined. In addition, the trend of researches in the United States on legal issues related to sport, which is significantly ahead of Korea with respect to the quality and quantity of the researches on sport law, was analyzed. By analyzing precedents about Korean sport and research trends of sport law for both Korea and the United States, this study founded that the following legal issues in relation to the sport will be important in the future Korean sport community
First, constitutional and statutory issues are likely to be critical. This was proved by precedents analysis for the Korean sport and the comparison between the research trends in the Korean and American sport law. Second, discussion about tort law in the sport, which is a private or civil wrong or injury resulting from a breach of a legal duty that exists by virtue of society's expectations regarding interpersonal conduct, rather than by contract or other private relationship, will be appeared as a very important issue. This is because, as one can see in the precedent analysis, legal disputes concerning tort have been increasing significantly and are very likely to appear in the sport filed. It is necessary, therefore, to conduct researches more aggressively on tort in sport. Third, antitrust law, which is a statute aiming at promoting free competition in the marketplace, is also expected to be an important issue in the Korean sport community. The examples of expected antitrust issue in professional sport are as follows: reserve system, trade system, free agent, and salary limitation. Lastly, the issues on intellectual property involving in the patent, licensing logos, trademark, and copyright may be more frequently raised in the field of sport marketing and more interests and attentions of the field of the Korean sport law are likely to be paid to them.
Key Words
Legal issues, precedents, constitutional and statutory issues, tort Law, antitrust Law, intellectual property Law
An Analysis on Inactivity situation of the Adult Taekwondo 사회체육학 : 성인 태권도의 침체요인 분석
곽성현SungHyunKwack , 여인성InSungYeo , 이지성JiSungLee
44(5) 669-678, 2005
An Analysis on Inactivity situation of the Adult Taekwondo 사회체육학 : 성인 태권도의 침체요인 분석
곽성현SungHyunKwack , 여인성InSungYeo , 이지성JiSungLee
The purpose of this study was to provide basic information of inactive situation of the adult taekwondo in Korea south. In order to accomplish this, qualitative research methods were used. The participants of qualitative research were 7 Taekwondo instructors, 6 adult TaeKwondo students, and 8 adults who play other sports after quitting Taekwondo. The data were collected through in-depth personal interviews with above participants and interpreted through the qualitative research procedures which are recording, coding, categorization, and conceptualization.
Firstly, there is a category of negative thoughts and understanding of Taekwondo from general public. In such category people believe that Taekwondo is, one of the many required typical lesson for kids today, immoderate exercise, and low class sports comparing to other sports. Secondly, there is a category for current operation and management style of Taekwondo gym. In order to bring up the downward trend of Adult Taekwondo the problems occurring within the operation and management of Taekwondo gym should be solved. Such occurring problem is due to lack of commitment, identity, leadership, spirit, sufficient program and facilities. Thirdly, there is a category of current marketing and publicity of Taekwondo. This category represents lack of efficient marketing and advertising through media for publicity along with need for upbringing of star Taekwondo player.
Key Words
adult taekwondo, inactive situation
Activity Intention According to Exercise Addiction for University Students` Ski Mania 사회체육학 : 대학스키 매니아의 운동중독성향에 따른 참여의도 분석
44(5) 679-687, 2005
Activity Intention According to Exercise Addiction for University Students` Ski Mania 사회체육학 : 대학스키 매니아의 운동중독성향에 따른 참여의도 분석
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among University Students ski manias exercise addiction types and activity intention. The subjects were 206persons(109-male, 97-female) having participated in the skiing. This study used the ‘Questionnaire Exercise Addiction Scale’ developed by Shin(1999) and Activity Intention developed by Kim(2001). The results was as follows: The self-administration method was used with questionnaires distributed by researchers and assistants who visited the site in person for sampling. The data were processed by computer with SPSS Windows 10.0 Version which is a statistical program; also were descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis and two-way ANOVA. The results of a two-way ANOVA indicated that there were significant school year, commence time, past participation experience duration main effects and a not significant with Addiction types interaction effect. What is important is that the level of high-addicted to ski have a very significant effect on the variables related to their activity intention. These results were discussed with theoretical, and methodological perspectives of sports Addiction types, and future study was suggested.
A Study on the Relationship Between Primal Leadership of Taekwondo of Trainer and Discipline-Satisfaction 사회체육학 : 태권도 지도자의 감성적 리더십과 수련만족도의 관계
44(5) 689-698, 2005
A Study on the Relationship Between Primal Leadership of Taekwondo of Trainer and Discipline-Satisfaction 사회체육학 : 태권도 지도자의 감성적 리더십과 수련만족도의 관계
This study focuses on positively clarifying the relationship between emotional leadership of Taekwondo trainer and discipline-satisfaction. The subject was set as the group of trainees of Taekwondo center located in Daegu currently at May 2005, selected 560 persons in total using Stratified Cluster Random Sampling, and used 512 questionnaires in total, excluding the 48 inappropriate or irrevocable questionnaires as final study data. These were the conclusions after conducting frequency analysis, correlational analysis, multiple regression analysis using SPSS 11.0 based on the data collected from 512 persons.
First, there is partial difference to primal leadership and discipline-satisfaction according to Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Taekwondo trainee. First, men has higher self-awareness and social skill than women, and senior has higher self-regulation and social skill than other group. Also, men has higher physical satisfaction women, and schooler has higher facility satisfaction than other group.
Second, the self-awareness and self-motivation of Taekwondo trainer had positive effect on physical satisfaction.
Third, the self-awareness, social-awareness, self-motivation and self-regulation of Taekwondo trainer had positive effect on planning friendship.
Fourth, the self-regulation and social-awareness of Taekwondo trainer had positive effect on facility satisfaction.
An Analysis on the Model Related between Participation Motivation, Psychological Exercise Addiction and Level of Participation 사회체육학 : 건강운동 참가자의 참여동기, 심리적 운동중독 및 운동참여 정도의 관계모형 분석
정용각YongGakJung , 이상진SangJinLee
44(5) 699-710, 2005
An Analysis on the Model Related between Participation Motivation, Psychological Exercise Addiction and Level of Participation 사회체육학 : 건강운동 참가자의 참여동기, 심리적 운동중독 및 운동참여 정도의 관계모형 분석
정용각YongGakJung , 이상진SangJinLee
This study was to find out how the model related between the participation motivation, exercise addiction and the level of participation in the exercise participants. The subjects on this study were aged between 18-60 participating presently in fitness center. The test of this study was analyzed by the structural equation modelling. In order to increase the level of reliability for the research model, the proved result through corrected model was found as a high suitability. The participation motivation in the exercise had an significantly effect on directly the psychological exercise addiction, and the psychological exercise addiction had an significantly effect on the level of participation. And the participation motivation in the exercise had directly an low effect on the level of participation. The participation motivation in the exercise having directly an influence on the psychological exercise addiction was very significant effect. And the psychological exercise addiction having directly an influence on the level of participation was very significant effect.
Key Words
participation motivation, psychological exercise addiction, Level of participation
A Study on the Type of Leisure Sports Participation and Quality of Life for the Elderly 여가,레크리에이션학 : 노인의 여가 스포츠 참여유형과 삶의 질에 관한 연구
44(5) 713-725, 2005
A Study on the Type of Leisure Sports Participation and Quality of Life for the Elderly 여가,레크리에이션학 : 노인의 여가 스포츠 참여유형과 삶의 질에 관한 연구
It can be argued that our modern society is moving toward an aging society due to the decrease of mortality rate and the extension of the average life span. The elderly who have lost the general social role are compelled to spend leisure time that is critical for the perceived quality of life.
Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between the type leisure sports participation and the perceived quality of life for the elderly, and to provide data for the improvement of the perceived quality of life in the old generation, which became the social problem.
In order to achieve the purpose of this study, several factors such as the differences among participants general characteristics, and perceived quality of life were investigated.
The respondents for this study were sampled among 400 people whose age are over 60 years old and who reside in Seoul and the final analyses included responses from 333 respondents.
Questionnaires were distributed by means of a 1:1 personal interview method. The statistical methods employed in this study were Frequency analysis, Crosstabs, T-test, and one-way ANOVA.
The results of this study indicate that among the type of leisure sports activities, competitive sports(i.e. table tennis, tennis, badminton, etc ) and aesthetic, leisure activity (i.e. aerobic dance, dance sports, rhythmic gymnastics, etc.) contribute significantly to perceived quality of life for the elderly.
Key Words
Leisure sports participation, quality of Life, elderly
Relationship between Leisure satisfaction and Life satisfaction on Life dance participation in middle-aged women 무용학 : 중년여성의 생활무용 참여에 따른 여가만족과 생활만족에 관한 연구
박혜신HyeSinPark , 박경혜GyongHeaPark , 윤승호SeungHoYoon
44(5) 729-741, 2005
Relationship between Leisure satisfaction and Life satisfaction on Life dance participation in middle-aged women 무용학 : 중년여성의 생활무용 참여에 따른 여가만족과 생활만족에 관한 연구
박혜신HyeSinPark , 박경혜GyongHeaPark , 윤승호SeungHoYoon
The purpose of this study was to examine to extent those who enjoyed applied dance for life were satisfied with their leisure and lives and how that affect their life satisfaction through the medium of their leisure satisfaction. It's basically attempted to justify the value and necessity of applied dance for life as one of physical leisure activities. The subjects in this study were middle-aged women who resided in Seoul ad of 2004. They were ate age of 35 to 55 in Western age and participated in applied dance programs provided by public fitness centers, private gyms and private dance academies. As for leisure and life satisfaction, Lee Jong-gil(1992)'s leisure satisfaction items and Gang Gyeong-bin(1998)'s life satisfaction items were converted into those of five-point Likert scale to serve the purpose of the study. Exploratory factor analytic technique, One-way ANOVA, Multiple Regression analysis, Tukey post hoc test methods were used to solve problems of the study.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. There is a significant difference in their demographic charaeteristics on leisure satisfaction
2 There is a significant difference in their demographic charaeteristics on life satisfaction
3. There is a significant difference in the type of participating in applied dance programs on leisure satisfaction
4. There is a significant difference in the type of participating in applied dance programs on life satisfaction
5. The leisure satisfaction of those who did applied dance for life had a positive impaet on life satisfaction
In conclusion, applied dance for life enjoyed by middle-aged womrn exercised an influence on their leisure satisfaction,and there was a positive correlation between their leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction
Key Words
Life dance, Leisure satisfaction, Life satisfaction, middle-aged women
The Relationships between Dance sports Participants’ Sport Motivation, Self-Esteem and Life-Satisfactions 무용학 : 댄스스포츠참여자의 스포츠동기와 자아존중감, 생활만족의 관계
배소심SoSimBae , 오현옥HyunOkOh
44(5) 743-755, 2005
The Relationships between Dance sports Participants’ Sport Motivation, Self-Esteem and Life-Satisfactions 무용학 : 댄스스포츠참여자의 스포츠동기와 자아존중감, 생활만족의 관계
배소심SoSimBae , 오현옥HyunOkOh
The aim of this research was to analyze difference between self-esteem and sports motivation in terms of the level of life-satisfactions for participants in dance sports, and to identify the effect of sport motivation on both self-esteem and life-satisfactions. Subjects of this work were made up of 500(M:147, F:353) from 20s to 50s. Their sport motivations were measured by the reversed questionnaire of Korean running participation motivation scale, Korean self-esteem scale, and life-satisfaction scale. The higher the participants' self-esteem was, the higher their sport motivations such as enjoyment, diversion, healthfitness, stress riddance, and overcoming achievement were. On the other hand, the lower their self-esteem were, the lower motivation they had. If they also had higher life-satisfaction, they had higher concept in enjoyment, diversion, healthfitness, overcoming achievement, weight control, stress riddance, and sexual life. Diversion and amotivation were the variables predicting self-esteem for the participants' sport motivation. Diversion and sexual life in sport motivation had something to do with life-satisfaction. These regression model showed a statistical significance, and the result in this work was based on the concept of the sport participation motive, self-esteem, life-satisfaction, and related previous studies.
Sources of Competence Information in Dance: Developmental Difference 무용학 : 무용 유능성에 영향을 미치는 정보자원의 구조 및 발달적 차이
성창훈ChangHunSeong , 곽성희SungHeeKwak
44(5) 757-767, 2005
Sources of Competence Information in Dance: Developmental Difference 무용학 : 무용 유능성에 영향을 미치는 정보자원의 구조 및 발달적 차이
성창훈ChangHunSeong , 곽성희SungHeeKwak
The purpose of this study was to investigate the sources of competence information in dance participants. In order to this study, 106 elementary school, 130 junior and 153 senior high school, 164 university dancers were responded the survey. The scale used in this study was sport competence information scale(SCIS) which was developed by Horn & Hasbrook(1986). Some of items in this scale was modified for dance situation. The statistical methods used for the analysis of response data were exploratory factor analysis(EFA), one-way MANOVA, and multiple comparison analysis. The results of this study were as follows: First, the information sources of dance competence in elementary school, junior and senior high school, university dancers consist of 7 factors: dance efficacy, performance results, parents evaluation, teachers evaluation, peers evaluation, skill level, performance mood. Second, there was significance in the school level of dance partially. Third, there was significance in the majoring type of dance partially. These result were discussed in perspective of Harter’s competence motivation theory and developmental issues.
Key Words
competence, sources of information, dance
A Qualitative Approach to Performance Process of Improvisational Dance 무용학 : 즉흥무용의 수행과정에 관한 질적 접근
44(5) 769-778, 2005
A Qualitative Approach to Performance Process of Improvisational Dance 무용학 : 즉흥무용의 수행과정에 관한 질적 접근
The main purpose of this study was not only to develop the improvisational dance program for enhancing creativity by applying creativity, and cognitive psychology to improvisational dance, but also to examine its participant effects by analyzing various changes of cognition and expressive characteristics of creative movement that professional dancers and actors experienced throughout the program. For this, two of research methods were employed. First, the literature on improvisational dance program was selected by employing ideal case selection suggested by Goetz and LeCompte. Raw data classified by content analysis were analyzed inductively in accordance with Spradley’s qualitative methodology. Second, six subjects(male=3, female=3) were selected by ideal case selection of qualitative research and participated in improvisational dance program for two weeks. Deep interviews, participant observations, and self reports were collected and the data collected were described, analyzed, and interpreted by inductive content analysis. These results of the study suggest that an improvisational dance program will bring positive changes to collegiate dancers’ thinking process and can be further utilized as an important educational, artistic means for facilitating students’ creative/critical thinking through its participation.
Key Words
improvisational dance, creativity, body awareness, dance education, qualitative research
The study on the BMD of Lumbar and femur of college women majoring dance 무용학 : 무용전공 여대생의 요추 및 대퇴부 BMD에 관한 연구
44(5) 779-789, 2005
The study on the BMD of Lumbar and femur of college women majoring dance 무용학 : 무용전공 여대생의 요추 및 대퇴부 BMD에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between dancing and the bone mineral density of college women majoring dance. The subjects of this study were 120 female college women aged from 19 to 21 of the 'B' metropolitan city, who were divided into dance group and non dance group . Non dance group was composed of 28 girls whose major was not dance and dance group was composed of 92 girls majoring in dance. This dance group consists of three groups(Korean dance 31, Ballet 32, Modern dance 29)
The BMD of lumbar (L1~L4, LT) and femur (FN, TH, WT) was measured and analyzed by DEXA. The physical characteristics (height, weight, age, FM, PBF) were measured and analyzed by bio-electronic resistance method. Then those results were compared and analyzed
The results of this study were as follows:
1. The BMD of lumbar was significantly higher in dance group than in non dance group. As a result of Bonferroni method, especially modern dance group shows higher BMD than non dance group and any other dance groups, modern dance, korean dance, ballet, non dance group were sequenced in order of BMD of lumbar according to LSMEAN.
2. The BMD of femur was significantly higher in femoral neck, trochanter. Modern dance, ballet, Korean dance, non dance group were sequenced in order of BMD of femur according to LSMEAN.
3. The correlation between BMD and weight shows weight was significantly related specially with the BMD of femur.
As mentioned above, regular dancing activity in daily life would be a helpful exercise to increase bone mineral density for women, which is also expected to be useful in bone health care of the elderly women.
Key Words
bone mineral density, korean dance, ballet, modem dance
Sport Motivation and Leisure Satisfaction of Dance Participants 무용학 : 생활무용 참가자들의 운동동기 및 여가 만족도
44(5) 791-800, 2005
Sport Motivation and Leisure Satisfaction of Dance Participants 무용학 : 생활무용 참가자들의 운동동기 및 여가 만족도
The purpose of this study was to analyze sport motivation and leisure satisfaction of dance participants. 494 subjects were adults over 18 years old. The data was collected by using the questionnaire and the final 494 cases were analyzed by SPSS Win 10.0 program. MANOVA, frequency analysis, and correlation analysis were used. The major findings were as follows: (1) the income and age had meaningful difference in the extrinsic motivation. Also income had meaningfully difference in the intrinsic motivation, but the subjects had no difference in leisure satisfaction. (2) extrinsic motivation had meaningfully difference in the activity frequency, but intrinsic motivation and leisure satisfaction had no difference. Also sport motivation and leisure satisfaction had difference in activity career. (3)sport motivation and leisure satisfaction were correlated.
Key Words
dance, motivation, Leisure satisfaction
Research Trends and Problems in Dance Education 무용학 : 국내 무용교육학 연구동향과 과제
장윤정YounJeongJang , 박중길JungGilPark
44(5) 801-811, 2005
Research Trends and Problems in Dance Education 무용학 : 국내 무용교육학 연구동향과 과제
장윤정YounJeongJang , 박중길JungGilPark
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the research trends and problems in dance education in Korea. From Kiss, 229 studies conducted from 1955 to 2005 in korea were collected. All studies were evaluated and categorized according to publication year, research area, methodology, and data analysis. The result indicated that the size of dance studies on education was highly increased since 2000s. With regard to research area and subjects, most studies were focused on school-based dance education, which suggested the need of paradigmatic shifts. Literature-based research used as a major research methodology. Major tools of data analysis used by researchers were descriptive statics(21.95%), ANOVA(18.90%), t-test(11.58%), inductive content analysis(9.75%), regression analysis(7.31%), chi-square(6.09%), factor analysis(4.87%), correlation analysis(1.80%), ANCOVA(1.20%), and MANOVA(0.60%).
Key Words
dance education, dance research
An Analysis of Dancer Teacher’s Job Stress and Health Perception 무용학 : 무용교사의 스트레스 유형과 건강지각 분석
44(5) 813-821, 2005
An Analysis of Dancer Teacher’s Job Stress and Health Perception 무용학 : 무용교사의 스트레스 유형과 건강지각 분석
The purpose of this study was to confirm the source of job stresses and health perceived by dancer teachers in korea and examine the relation between job stresses and level of health perceptions. For the study, 270 teachers who work at middle and high school were responded the teachrer’s job stress scales(TJSS) and teachers MBI which was designed by Maslach to estimate teachers’ burnout. This data analyzed SPSS program, MANOVA and ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were used. The results of the study are as follows: First, the type of job stress were different according to characteristics of curriculum, type of school, and taking in charge of a classroom or not. Second, teachers’ health perception showed meaningful differences according to curriculum characteristics and type of school. An effect of specific background according to factor of burnout showed that non dancer teachers are highly experiencing emotional burnout than dancer teachers and teachers in private school are experiencing low achievement than those in public school in the factor of type of school. Third, the factors of health perception were related to teachers’ job stresses. Especially emotional burnout is related to overload, low achievement is related to loss of dignity.
Key Words
Dance teacher’s job stress, Teacher’s burnout
A Study on Body Image of Female Dancers 무용학 : 여성 무용수의 신체상에 관한 연구
44(5) 823-833, 2005
A Study on Body Image of Female Dancers 무용학 : 여성 무용수의 신체상에 관한 연구
The purpose of the present study was to explore on body image of female dancers. To attain the goal of the study body image was analyzed in two kinds of level, cognitive and attitudinal level based on MBSRQ(Cash, 1994).6 female dancers majoring in Korean traditional dance, contemporary dance and ballet were selected as the participants using typical case selection method. Data were collected mainly through in-depth interviews and supported by participant-observation. Inductive Thematic Analysis were employed for analyzing data.The conclusions were drawn as below.First, in terms of cognitive level, body image were divided into sensitive perception of body and unsatisfaction of body. Female dancers had much concern and sensitive feeling for their bodies as dancers’ bodies are most visible part. Dancers recognized their body and seek for ideal physical condition as well as ideal appearance of the dancer. The effects of society and culture continue transforming the ideal physical condition, however, it is influenced by mainly dance wear, costume, repertories, and way of dance. Most dancers are dissatisfied with their actual body that are different from the ideal body.Second, in terms of attitudinal level, body image were divided into shaping new body and dancer’s own style. Female dancers continued physical training and make efforts for beautiful look. They showed dancer’s own style of unique their wearing and hair style. They preferred dance wears which hide their defects and assist in dancing comfortably. Most dancers tie up their hair and keep light make-up because of sweat.
Key Words
female dancers, body image, cognitive Level of body image, attitudinal Level of body image
Effects of Combined Exercise on MMAS, Functional Fitness and Blood Lipid Profile in Chronic Female Stroke Patients 발육,발달학 : 복합운동이 만성기 여성뇌졸중 환자의 MMAS,활동체력 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
강문선MoonSunKang , 양점홍JumHongYang
44(5) 837-848, 2005
Effects of Combined Exercise on MMAS, Functional Fitness and Blood Lipid Profile in Chronic Female Stroke Patients 발육,발달학 : 복합운동이 만성기 여성뇌졸중 환자의 MMAS,활동체력 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
강문선MoonSunKang , 양점홍JumHongYang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of combined excercise (elastic band and Swiss ball exercise) on MMAS(Modified Motor Assessment Scale), functional fitness and blood lipid profile in the female stroke patients at a chronic stage. The study selected 5 female stroke patients at a chronic stage who have regular visits to a class of J welfare center in B metropolitan city as the excercise group, and 4 female stroke patients at a chronic stage who have experienced rehabilitation treatment for more than 6 months in S oriental medical hospital as the control group. The total of 9 were treated a 30~50 minute combined excercise and physical therapy three times every week for eight weeks. to data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were calculated, The difference of within and between two groups used Wilcoxon sign rank test and Mann-Whitney U test
The results of comparative analysis of their MMAS, functional fitness and blood lipid profile were as follow :
1. MMAS: The comparisons of change between the two groups showed differences in a function of sitting to standing.
2. Functional fitness: The exercise group showed a significant improvement in sitting from standing, excercise with 1㎏ dumbbells, 8 foot up-and-go, and 6-minute walk. The comparison by group revealed a positive change in chair and stand
3. Blood Lipid Profile: The comparisons of change between the two groups showed no differences in TC, TG LDL-C and HDL-C. Consequently, the combined exercise of elastic band and swiss ball exercise promoted functional fitness of the 5 female stroke patients at chronic stage in the exercise group, having a positive impact on enhancement in quality of life.
Comparison of blood pressure and electrocardiography(ECG) at exercise stress testing in hypertension and exercise-induced hypertension(EIH) with middle-aged men 발육,발달학 : 혈압유형에 따른 중년 남성들의 운동부하 검사시 혈압 변화 및 심전도 반응 비교
44(5) 849-859, 2005
Comparison of blood pressure and electrocardiography(ECG) at exercise stress testing in hypertension and exercise-induced hypertension(EIH) with middle-aged men 발육,발달학 : 혈압유형에 따른 중년 남성들의 운동부하 검사시 혈압 변화 및 심전도 반응 비교
The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparison of blood pressure changes and electrocardiography response at exercise stress testing in hypertension and exercise-induced hypertension(EIH) with middle-aged men. The subjects consisted 39 middle-aged men, who were aged 30~50 years were checked by a body composition and exercise stress testing. The EIH group consisted of 13 persons who had normal blood pressure at rest but, whose systolic blood pressure reached 200mmHg or more, or diastolic blood pressure was 90mmHg or more during exercise testing. The hypertension group included 13 persons who had 140~180/90~110mmHg blood pressure at rest. The control group included 13 persons who showed normal blood pressure during exercise. In measurement index, body composition analysis were measured of percent body fat. The changes of blood pressure at rest and during exercise were measured by exercise stress testing. And exercise stress testing were measured ST segment, ECG interval, and QRS vector. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of oneway ANOVA. Results of this study were as follows; In the changes of blood pressure, hypertension group and EIH group were higher significantly than that control group in the during exercise 3min, 6min, 9min, and peak. And EIH group were higher significantly than that hypertension group in the during exercise. In the ST segment, hypertension and EIH group were showed higher than that of control group. In the ECG interval, hypertension and EIH group were prolonged significantly than that of control group. And, in cardiac QRS vector, axis of frontal plane were deviated to right side by during exercise high blood pressure, and in amplitude, hypertension and EIH group were showed lower than that of control group. These data suggest that BP and ECG response of hypertension and EIH persons seem to degenerate during exercise high blood pressure. It is promoted that individual proper physical training of EIH persons could be cardiovascular function.
The Effect of MTT to Neck Pain Patient’s Cervical Extension Muscle Strength and Pain 발육,발달학 : MTT프로그램이 경부통 환자의 경추 신전근력과 통증에 미치는 효과
44(5) 861-869, 2005
The Effect of MTT to Neck Pain Patient’s Cervical Extension Muscle Strength and Pain 발육,발달학 : MTT프로그램이 경부통 환자의 경추 신전근력과 통증에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to evaluated the improvement of women to the cervical extensor muscle strength in a patient’s(9) and Normal(7) over 30-age which appeal the neck ache object change of the neck muscle strength out with MTT-Program. It’s try to find out at the top range fast whether we are reached to the muscular strength such as the Normal range. Training’s method was, that all 60min, including 10min(Warm-up and Cool down), and Main Exercise 40min(Sling Exercise MET, Cable Machine and Band Training) during 6 Weeks treatment.
After 6-weeks treatment to MTT of Neck pain Patient’s use to the Medx-II neck muscular strength the results of this Study was as following:
1) There was a significant difference for 18°, 36°, 54°, 72°, 90°, 108° treatment periods(p<0.001).
2) After 6 weeks in a patient’s group, Pain scale shows statistically significant difference(p<0.001).
After 6 weeks MTT-pragram at the muscular strength increase of the Neck and Flexibility recovery. The effectiveness to be affirmative even though the each of the ache relief muscular strength increase and cervical vertebral consists to be whole.
Key Words
MTT, neck pain, muscle strength, cervical
The criteria index for physical fitness of daily Living in Korea elderly women Living in the rural community 발육,발달학 : 농촌 여성 노인 체력 평가 기준치 개발
이상민SangMinYi , 서충진ChungJinShoe
44(5) 871-881, 2005
The criteria index for physical fitness of daily Living in Korea elderly women Living in the rural community 발육,발달학 : 농촌 여성 노인 체력 평가 기준치 개발
이상민SangMinYi , 서충진ChungJinShoe
The amis of the study were to examine the current statues of physical fitness of daily living and to develop criteria index of physical fitness for the elderly woman living in the rural community. Two hundred sixty one elderly women, age 60 to 81 were randomly selected. Recently, it has been many of studies about daily living physical fitness, but it has not been sufficient for Korean elderly person. Moreover, exiting test methods for fitness assessment are very difficult to be performed for elderly population. Therefore, physical fitness of daily living consisted of the 12 performance test items, Which were muscle strength(grip strength, back strength), muscle endurance(arm curl, standing up and sitting on a chair), flexibility(sit and reach, back scratch), agility(timed up and go, standing up form a supine position), cardiovascular endurance(2min walking), balance(one leg balance with eye closed, one leg balance with eye opened), and reaction time. The result showed that significantly decreased on muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, agility balance, but reaction time and cordirespetory didn’t significant.
According to the normal distribution, the physical fitness of daily living criteria index were dived five grades(very poor 10%, poor 22%, average 36%, good, 22%, very good 10%).
Key Words
criteria index, physical fitness, elderly women
Effects of 60-70%RM Weight Training on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Metabolism of High School Male Students by Grades 발육,발달학 : 60~70%RM Weight Training이 남자고교생의 학년별 골밀도 및 골대사에 미치는 영향
이창준ChangJoonLee , 양점홍JumHongYang , 박원익WonIkPark
44(5) 883-896, 2005
Effects of 60-70%RM Weight Training on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Metabolism of High School Male Students by Grades 발육,발달학 : 60~70%RM Weight Training이 남자고교생의 학년별 골밀도 및 골대사에 미치는 영향
이창준ChangJoonLee , 양점홍JumHongYang , 박원익WonIkPark
The purpose of this study was to verify resistance training’s compatibility to bone mineral density, osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase through comparisons and analyses of difference by groups and grades of N-male’s high school students located in B metropolitan city. The subjects participated in the experiment consisted of male exercise group(n=30) and control group(n=30), who were sampled by each 10 persons from each grade among grade 1, 2 and 3 and who were intentionally selected participants born within±1month(from May to July) of normalized June as the same date of birth in order to keep consistency between groups and grades. The application of resistance training program to the subject was performed according to experimental protocol of 50~60 minute in 3times/week during 8 weeks.
The conclusions obtained from the above were as follows;
Bone mineral density
The 3rd grade in the increase of bone mineral density in lumbar total of exercise groups was superior to the 1st, 2nd grade, but there was no significant difference among all grade’s mineral density in femoral neck, trochanter, and Ward’s triangle. However, in main effects among grades and terms, the 3rd grade got better results than the 1st grade at left trochanter and the 1st grade’s got better ones that the 3rd grade’s at left Ward’s triangle.
Osteocalcin and Alkaline phosphatase
There was no significant difference in the increment among grades of osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase in exercise group, but the main effects among grades and terms of osteocalcin were large in terms, and there were larger effects of alkaline phosphatase in the 1st grade than those in the 2nd and 3rd grade.
Therefore, it is concluded that it was shown to take a positive change in all exercise group. It was shown that the most optimal term of resistance training in bone mass increase of lumbar total of bone mineral density is the 3rd grade and so is the 1st grade in alkaline phosphatase of bone metabolism.
Key Words
resistance training, RT, bone mineral density, BMD, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase, ALP, 1RM femoral neck, trochanter, Ward’s triangle
Development of Physical Fitness Assesment Tool considering Physical Growth of the Elementary School Students 발육,발달학 : 초등학생의 체격발육을 고려한 체력평가표 개발
임용혁YongHyuckLim , 임병규ByungKyuLim
44(5) 897-911, 2005
Development of Physical Fitness Assesment Tool considering Physical Growth of the Elementary School Students 발육,발달학 : 초등학생의 체격발육을 고려한 체력평가표 개발
임용혁YongHyuckLim , 임병규ByungKyuLim
The purpose of the study was to develop a physical fitness assessment tool in consideration of the physical condition of 5th and 6th grade boys and girls of elementary students living in T Metropolitan City. For this purpose, it divided the students into the large, medium and small groups according to their physique, surveyed the characteristics of their physique and physical fitness, examined the relation between physique and physical fitness, compared the current physical fitness assessment with the new physical fitness assessment considering physique, and analyzed the contribution of physical fitness factors to physical fitness grade. The results of this study were as follows. First, Fifth-grade boys were affected by their physique in 50m-dash run and trunk flexion, 5th grade girls in 50m-dash run, sit-ups, standing-long-jump and 1,000m long run-walk, 6th-grade boys in all of the five items of physical fitness assessment, and 6th-grade girls in 50m run, sit-up, standing-long-jump and long run-walk. Second, A difference was found in the distribution of physical fitness grades between the current physical fitness assessment and the physical fitness assessment considering physique. The distribution was skewed toward grade 1 in the current physical fitness assessment, but students of grade 3 were most frequent in the physical fitness assessment considering physique. Third, The physical fitness assessment standard considering physical growth condition(high, middle, low) by school year and by gender is as in Table 15, 16, 17 and 18. According to the results of this research, physical fitness assessment considering physical condition is an appropriate tool supporting the assumption that the physical fitness of 5th-and 6th-grade boys and girls in elementary school has a normal distribution, and the scope of subjects needs to be expanded for the validity and reliability of physical fitness assessment considering physical condition. On the other hand, factor analysis should be made on the factors of physical fitness for groups with superior or inferior physical condition.
Key Words
physical fitness assesment tool, physical growth condition, elementary school student
Effects of Supplemental PNF-weight Training and Detraining on Daily Activity-related Physical Function and Isokinetic Muscular Function of Knee Joint in The Elderly Women 발육,발달학 : 부가적 PNF-weight training과 detraining이 여성고령자의 생활관련 신체적 기능과 슬관절 등속성 근 기능에 미치는 영향
최종환JongHwanChoi , 김현주HyeonJuKim
44(5) 913-922, 2005
Effects of Supplemental PNF-weight Training and Detraining on Daily Activity-related Physical Function and Isokinetic Muscular Function of Knee Joint in The Elderly Women 발육,발달학 : 부가적 PNF-weight training과 detraining이 여성고령자의 생활관련 신체적 기능과 슬관절 등속성 근 기능에 미치는 영향
최종환JongHwanChoi , 김현주HyeonJuKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of supplemental PNF-weight training and detraining on daily activity-related physical function(DAPF) and isokinetic muscular function in the older women. Forty-two volunteers, who had been participating in aerobic exercises for the preceding 12 weeks, were placed in 2 groups: Experimental group(n=24, age=67.75±3.53) continued PNF-weight training, and control group(n=18, age=67.78±3.21) continued only aerobic exercise. The subjects who joined this investigation were asked to participate in the program(3 times/week, 60min/day) for 12 weeks. DAPF was measured on muscular strength, flexibility, agility/dynamic balance, aerobic endurance, and BMI. Muscular strength was also evaluated by peak torque of the knee extensor and flexors at 60 deg/sec(3 repetitions) and endurance by total work of the knee extensor and flexors at 180 deg/sec(26 repetitions) using isokinetic exercise machine before and after 12 weeks program, and again after 2 weeks and 4 weeks of detraining. For data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were calculated, and repeated two-way ANOVAs were used.
After each 12 weeks training and detraining, the results of the study were as follow: First, after 12 weeks training and 2 weeks, PNF-weight training group was better than aerobic exercise group on muscular strength of lower and upper body, flexibility of lower body, agility/dynamic balance, and isokinetic strength and endurance of knee joint muscles. But after 4 weeks of detraining, both groups showed the same levels as before 12 weeks training. Second, after 12 weeks training both groups did also significantly improve flexibility of upper body and aerobic endurance, but after 2weeks and 4weeks of detraining they showed the same levels of variables as before 12 weeks training. Third, even though both groups didn’t show any change on BMI after the training and 2 weeks detraining, they were significantly increased on BMI after 4 weeks of detraining. Therefore, the present findings suggest that PNF/weight training may be of benefit to DAPF and isokinetic strength/endurance of knee joint muscles for improving and long-lasting in the elderly women.
Key Words
PNF and weight training, detraining, physical function, isokinetic muscular function, the elderly